Land Division Applications

Dataset Number 190
Dataset Title Land Division Applications
Status Published
Metadata Maintained by DHUD PLUS


Category Land Use
Theme Land Use
Keywords and Qualifiers
Dataset Type Spatial
Description This dataset contains land division development applications pursuant to the Planning Act and Development Act 1993 and the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. It contains all applications lodged between November 1989 and October 1996 which contained more than 5 allotments and all applications lodged since October 1996, regardless of the number of allotments. Once a Certificate of Approval to Divide has been issued and is lodged with the Lands Titles Office then the plan is deposited and the application (or relevant parts of an application for staged applications) are moved from a 'proposal' to a 'deposited' status. Other statuses record 'refused', 'withdrawn' and 'lapsed' applications and reflect the current state of each application (and stages). EDALA and DAP are the source of all current status and date information relating to applications.
Dataset Use This dataset is useful for detailing the location and extent of land division applications and for identifying areas subject to overlapping applications. It is possible to lodge multiple development applications over the same area so these data contain a large number of overlapping applications.
SDE Feature Class Name LOCSA.LandDivisions
Projection/ Coordinate System GEOGRAPHIC


Data Authority

Data Authority Department for Housing and Urban Development
Data Authority Name Bradley Slape
Data Manager Michael Ness
Manager, Geospatial Services
Department for Housing and Urban Development
7133 2704
Subject Matter Expert Biljana Prokic
Coordinator Planning Services
Department for Housing and Urban Development
+618 7133 2722
Data Integrity Officer Caroline Jackman
Team Leader, Cadastre and Enterprise GIS
Department for Housing and Urban Development
7133 2704

Data Provider

Data Provider Department for Housing and Urban Development

Data Quality

Lineage Land division applications are captured using an automated capture system using Esri ArcGIS software. The land division plans are originally drawn by private survey firms. The plans are digitised/captured relative to the current DCDB. The captured data is checked and authorised by experienced staff and audit trails are maintained during the capture process.
Completeness All land division applications captured since October 1996. Only land division applications that created more than five allotments were captured between November 1989 and October 1996. Dataset may contain land division applications that have been deposited, lapsed, withdrawn or refused.
Positional Accuracy Based on current cadastre at time of capture. Proposed plan boundaries are approximate and not survey accurate at time of capture.
Method / Capture Scale
MethodCapture ScaleComment
DigitisingVariableCaptured using automated capture system
Data EntryVariableCaptured using automated capture system


Table Name

Field Description

TableNameField AliasData Type% Complete% AccuracyDescription
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsDEVNO Character>90>90Land division application number - format is ccc/Xnnn/yy where ccc represents the council number, X is plan type (C/D/G), nnn is the sequence number for that council and year, yy is year of application.
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsSTAGENO Integer>90>90Land division's staging (allotment development sequence) number - based on information provided by the applicant
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsLOTNO Character>90>90Land parcel allotment number (not assigned for roads, reserves and other forms of common property)
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsPIECENO Integer>90>90The allotment piece number - only used when an allotment (LOTNO) is made up of more than one polygon.
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsPURPOSE Character>90>90Generalised land use classification of allotment within an applications plan of division (assigned by departmental staff)
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsEDALAID Integer>90>90Application's unique identifier
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsPROPSTATUS Character>90>90Current milestone status of an application (or stage). Values: proposal (in planning approval stage), deposited (with Registrar-General), withdrawn (by applicant), refused (planning approval), lapsed.
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsDEPD Date>90>90Date when the application was deposited in the Land Titles Office and new Certificates of Title can be issued (only applies to deposited applications and stages)
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsDEPPLANNO Character>90>90Deposited plan number assigned by the Registrar-General (Land Titles Office) when the application's plan of division was deposited (Only applies to deposited applications)
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsAPPSTATUS Character>90>90Application status
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsAPPTYP Character>90>90Application type: community division, conventional land division, strata division
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsLODGED Date>90>90Application lodgement date
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsAPPDEVTYP Character>90>90Kind of development (complying, merit, non-complying)
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsAPPCLSTYP Character>90>90Application classification (major, minor, technical)
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsAPVLDECND Date>90>90Date of planning decision
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsDECNRSLTYP Character>90>90Planning decision type (approved, approved with conditions, refused)
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsCOALODGED Date>90>90Date when an applicant lodges a Certificates of Approval (CoA) application (including a final Plan of Division) for the Development Assessment Commission (DAC) to issue an application's CoA (after relevant clearances)
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsCOACRTISSD Date>90>90Date of issue of Certificate of Approval (applies to approved applications only)
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsCOAWDD Date>90>90Date when Certificate of Approval or application was withdrawn (only applies to withdrawn certificates and whole applications)
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsCOALAPD Date>90>90Date Certificate of Approval lapsed (only applies to lapsed CoAs)
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsSTAGEDTYP Character>90>90Application stage type (staged, non-staged, not yet decided)
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsJOINID Integer>90>90Unique join identifier to ensure unique records when applications are staged. Calculated as: EDALAID * 100 + STAGENO
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsSTAGESTATUS Character  Application stage status (withdrawn, pending issue, CoA issued, awaiting CoA lodgement, awaiting certification)
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsDECNOVERD Date  Decision overturned date
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsDECNOVERRSLTYP Character  Decision overturned result
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsAPPWDD Date  Application withdrawn date
LANDADMIN.LandDivisionsAPPLAPD Date  Application lapsed date

Geographic Extent

Extent NameSouth Australia
Min Easting or Longitude129
Min Northing or Latitude-38.25
Max Easting or Longitude141
Max Northing or Latitude-26

Dataset Status

Initially Acquired 01-NOV-1989
Last Updated CURRENT
Update Frequency Daily
Maintenance Method Land division applications are captured daily. The land division plans are digitised using a menu driven system with forced integrity checks. The applications are digitised based on current Digital Cadastral DataBase (DCDB) features.
Metadata Created 11-JUN-1999
If copied, source dataset
Metadata updated 04/AUG/23 dtup\tov
Authorised 08/MAY/15 dtup\tov
Metadata Retired

Security Classification

ISMF Classification OFFICIAL
ISMF Integrity I2 - MODERATE Requirement
ISMF Availability A2 - MODERATE Requirement
AusGOAL Licensing Classification CC BY (Attribution)
Further considerations for supply of dataset Not yet assessed

Operator Notes

Related Datasets and Associated Products Digital Cadastral Data Base - DCDB layer in statelga map library
HISTORICAL: LANDADMIN.deposits_parcel also LANDADMIN.proposals_lapsed in ArcSDE
HISTORICAL: Data sets under /prj/proposal/capture/proposals/lga***.