Table | Name | Field Alias | Data Type | % Complete | % Accuracy | Description |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | DEVNO | | Character | >90 | >90 | Land division application number - format is ccc/Xnnn/yy where ccc represents the council number, X is plan type (C/D/G), nnn is the sequence number for that council and year, yy is year of application. |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | STAGENO | | Integer | >90 | >90 | Land division's staging (allotment development sequence) number - based on information provided by the applicant |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | LOTNO | | Character | >90 | >90 | Land parcel allotment number (not assigned for roads, reserves and other forms of common property) |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | PIECENO | | Integer | >90 | >90 | The allotment piece number - only used when an allotment (LOTNO) is made up of more than one polygon. |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | PURPOSE | | Character | >90 | >90 | Generalised land use classification of allotment within an applications plan of division (assigned by departmental staff) |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | EDALAID | | Integer | >90 | >90 | Application's unique identifier |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | PROPSTATUS | | Character | >90 | >90 | Current milestone status of an application (or stage). Values: proposal (in planning approval stage), deposited (with Registrar-General), withdrawn (by applicant), refused (planning approval), lapsed. |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | DEPD | | Date | >90 | >90 | Date when the application was deposited in the Land Titles Office and new Certificates of Title can be issued (only applies to deposited applications and stages) |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | DEPPLANNO | | Character | >90 | >90 | Deposited plan number assigned by the Registrar-General (Land Titles Office) when the application's plan of division was deposited (Only applies to deposited applications) |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | APPSTATUS | | Character | >90 | >90 | Application status |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | APPTYP | | Character | >90 | >90 | Application type: community division, conventional land division, strata division |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | LODGED | | Date | >90 | >90 | Application lodgement date |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | APPDEVTYP | | Character | >90 | >90 | Kind of development (complying, merit, non-complying) |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | APPCLSTYP | | Character | >90 | >90 | Application classification (major, minor, technical) |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | APVLDECND | | Date | >90 | >90 | Date of planning decision |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | DECNRSLTYP | | Character | >90 | >90 | Planning decision type (approved, approved with conditions, refused) |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | COALODGED | | Date | >90 | >90 | Date when an applicant lodges a Certificates of Approval (CoA) application (including a final Plan of Division) for the Development Assessment Commission (DAC) to issue an application's CoA (after relevant clearances) |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | COACRTISSD | | Date | >90 | >90 | Date of issue of Certificate of Approval (applies to approved applications only) |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | COAWDD | | Date | >90 | >90 | Date when Certificate of Approval or application was withdrawn (only applies to withdrawn certificates and whole applications) |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | COALAPD | | Date | >90 | >90 | Date Certificate of Approval lapsed (only applies to lapsed CoAs) |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | STAGEDTYP | | Character | >90 | >90 | Application stage type (staged, non-staged, not yet decided) |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | JOINID | | Integer | >90 | >90 | Unique join identifier to ensure unique records when applications are staged. Calculated as: EDALAID * 100 + STAGENO |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | STAGESTATUS | | Character | | | Application stage status (withdrawn, pending issue, CoA issued, awaiting CoA lodgement, awaiting certification) |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | DECNOVERD | | Date | | | Decision overturned date |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | DECNOVERRSLTYP | | Character | | | Decision overturned result |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | APPWDD | | Date | | | Application withdrawn date |
LANDADMIN.LandDivisions | APPLAPD | | Date | | | Application lapsed date |