Government Education Sites

Dataset Number2211
Dataset TitleGovernment Education Sites
CustodianData Authority: Department for Education
Data Provider: Department for Education


DescriptionSpatial dataset of open government education sites.
UsageUsed to identify the location and attributes of open government education sites.

Data Quality

LineageDerived from the Department for Education's Location Sites and Services (LSS) database.
CompletenessComplete for South Australia. Note that enrolment numbers should not be summed to derive total enrolments for a given year, as the spatial layer only shows sites that are currently open.
Positional AccuracyThere may be some sites that are not in the correct location. The Department is working to rectify these. Location inaccuracies can be reported to

Geographic Extent

Extent NameSouth Australia
Min Easting or Longitude129
Min Northing or Latitude-38.25
Max Easting or Longitude141
Max Northing or Latitude-26

Dataset Status

Initially Acquired2020
Last UpdatedCURRENT
Update FrequencyDaily
Maintenance MethodThe government education sites spatial layer is derived from a nightly extract (CSV) from the Department for Education's Location Sites and Services (LSS) database. The LSS is updated as required to reflect site changes such as name changes, staff changes etc.
AusGOALCC BY (Attribution)


TableNameField AliasData TypeDescription
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesORG_NUM IntegerLSS database unique identifier for each site.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesORG_NUM_TEXT CharacterLSS database unique identifier for each site. Text format.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesSITE_NAME CharacterSite name.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesSITE_SHORT_NAME CharacterShortened Site Name - shortened version of [SITE_NAME].
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesSTREET_ADDRESS CharacterStreet address of education site.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesSUBURB CharacterSuburb education site is located in.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesPOST_CODE IntegerPostcode education site is located in.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesSITE_LEADER_NAME CharacterSite leader name (eg School Principal, Preschool Director)
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesCATEGORY_NAME CharacterCategory Code Name. School, Preschool, Child Care or Non School/Service Unit
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesSITE_TYPE CharacterSite Type (eg Primary Education, Secondary Education, Primary/Secondary Combined, Special Education)
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesSITE_SUB_TYPE CharacterSite Sub Type (eg Primary Schools, High/Secondary Schools, Area Schools)
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesDESIGNATION_TYPE_NAME CharacterDesignation Type (eg Reception to Year 7)
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesASSOCIATION_TYPE_NAME CharacterAssociation Type Name. Standalone Organisation Unit, Campus, Unit Attached to School, Subunit
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesPARTNERSHIP CharacterThe collective of preschools and schools the site belongs to. Partnerships belong to Portfolios.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesPORTFOLIO CharacterEducation Portfolio the site belongs to. Portfolios consist of Partnerships.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesEDUCATION_DIRECTOR CharacterPortfolio Education Director name.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesCAPACITY_MANAGEMENT_PLAN CharacterIndicates if a government school or school-based preschool is operating under a Capacity Management Plan (CMP). The CMP includes specific enrolment criteria for the school and its purpose is to ensure a school maintains sustainable enrolment levels within the school's capacity.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesCAPACITY_MANAGEMENT_PLAN_GAZETTAL_DATE DateDate the Capacity Management Plan (CMP) was most recently gazetted in the SA Govt Gazette and became official.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesFTE_ENROLMENTS_2019 DoubleFull-time equivalent school enrolments in 2019 collected as part of the annual enrolment data collection in Term 3. Field should not be summed to derive total enrolments for a given year, as the spatial layer only shows sites that are currently open.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesFTE_ENROLMENTS_2018 DoubleFull-time equivalent school enrolments in 2018 collected as part of the annual enrolment data collection in Term 3. Field should not be summed to derive total enrolments for a given year, as the spatial layer only shows sites that are currently open.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesFTE_ENROLMENTS_2017 DoubleFull-time equivalent school enrolments in 2017 collected as part of the annual enrolment data collection in Term 3. Field should not be summed to derive total enrolments for a given year, as the spatial layer only shows sites that are currently open.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesFTE_ENROLMENTS_2016 DoubleFull-time equivalent school enrolments in 2016 collected as part of the annual enrolment data collection in Term 3. Field should not be summed to derive total enrolments for a given year, as the spatial layer only shows sites that are currently open.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesFTE_ENROLMENTS_2015 DoubleFull-time equivalent school enrolments in 2015 collected as part of the annual enrolment data collection in Term 3. Field should not be summed to derive total enrolments for a given year, as the spatial layer only shows sites that are currently open.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesFTE_ENROLMENTS_2014 DoubleFull-time equivalent enrolments in schools and preschools in 2014 collected as part of the annual enrolment data collection in Term 3. Field should not be summed to derive total enrolments for a given year, as the spatial layer only shows sites that are currently open.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesELECOTRATE_STATE Character2018 State Electorate the site is located in.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesELECTORATE_FEDERAL Character2016 Federal Electorate the site is located in.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesLOCAL_GOVERNMENT_AREA CharacterLocal Government Area the site is located in.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesSCHOOL_URL CharacterSite home page URL
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesINDEX_DISADVANTAGE IntegerIndex of educational disadvantage for SA government schools is a socio-economic index used to allocate resources to schools to address educational disadvantage. The most disadvantaged schools have an index of 1, the least disadvantaged have an index of 7. The index is calculated by the SA Dept for Education.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesICSEA_VALUE IntegerValue for 2019. The Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA) is a scale that represents levels of educational advantage. A value on the scale assigned to a school is the averaged level for all students in the particular school. ICSEA is used on the My School website and provides users with a means of making a comparison of the levels of educational advantage or disadvantage that students bring to their academic studies. The lower the ICSEA value, the lower the level of educational advantage of students who go to this school. The higher the ICSEA value, the higher the level of educational advantage of students who go to this school. ICSEA was developed by the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesPRESCHOOL_CATEGORY_RANKING IntegerApplicable to government preschools. Category Ranking is a priority assigned to each preschool to give an indication of the degree of social disadvantage and geographical isolation a centre may have. There are three levels of ranking. Category 1 reflects the centres with the highest need and category 3 reflects those centres with the lowest need.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesINTENSIVE_ENGLISH_LANGUAGE_CENTRE CharacterIndicates if a school has an Intensive English Language Centre (IELC).
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesSITE_PRESCHOOLS_SCHOOL_BASED_FLAG CharacterIndicates if it is a school based preschool.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesSITE_PRESCHOOLS_STANDALONE_FLAG CharacterIndicates if it is a standalone preschool.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesASSOCIATED_SCHOOL_ORG_NUM IntegerAssociated school [ORG_NUM] if it is a school based preschool.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesASSOCIATED_SCHOOL_NAME CharacterAssociated school [SITE_NAME] if it is a school based preschool.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesOPENED_DATE DateIndicates open date of the site. May not reflect the original opening date.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesFTE_TEACHING_WORKFORCE_SCHOOLS DoubleData as at August 2019. Full-time equivalents. Applicable to school sector staff only. Teaching staff are those who spend the majority of their time in contact with students, ie support students either by direct class contact or on an individual basis, and have teaching duties, ie are engaged to impart the school curriculum (includes leadership positions). Note: Employee figures fluctuate throughout the year. Excludes employees on four or more continuous weeks leave, employees on workcover, temporary relieving teachers and preschool sector staff.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesFTE_NON_TEACHING_WORKFORCE_SCHOOLS DoubleData as at August 2019. Full-time equivalents. Applicable to school sector staff only. Non teaching staff include primary child wellbeing officers (student counsellors), school services officers, Aboriginal education workers, grounds persons, building operations, general maintenance, etc. Note: Employee figures fluctuate throughout the year. Excludes employees on four or more continuous weeks leave, employees on workcover, temporary relieving teachers and preschool sector staff.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesSCHOOL_ZONE CharacterIndicates if the school operates a formal school zone - 'Y' or 'N'. Note that some combined Reception to Year 12 schools may have a high school zone, but no primary school zone.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesPPP_SCHOOL CharacterIndicates if the school was built and is operating under a Public Private Partnership model (PPP).
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesSTEM_FUNDING_$M DoubleAmount of STEM funding the site received. Dollar amount in millions.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesOPEN_IND textIndicates that the site is open.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesSUSTAINABLE_SCHOOLS_PROGRAM_FUNDING  IntegerAmount of funding the site received as part of the Round 1 Sustainable Schools Program. Dollar amount in full.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesASSET_MAINTENANCE_PROGRAM_FUNDING IntegerAmount of funding the site received as part of the Asset Maintenance Program Funding. Dollar amount in full.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesPOWER_UPGRADE_PROJECT CharacterIndicates if site has had a power upgrade.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesRECYCLED_WATER_CONNECTION CharacterIndicates if site has a recycled water connection.
LOCSA.GovEducationSitesWORKFORCE_YEAR IntegerIndicates which year the workforce data relates to ([FTE_TEACHING_WORKFORCE_SCHOOLS], FTE_NON_TEACHING_WORKFORCE_SCHOOLS)

Contact Information

OrganisationDepartment for Education
Postal Address