Bushfire Risk - Combined Environmental Assets

Dataset Number 2252
Dataset Title Bushfire Risk - Combined Environmental Assets
Status Published to SAG
Metadata Maintained by DEW INFO


Category Government
Theme Government
Keywords and Qualifiers ECOLOGY Ecosystem - Conservation
ECOLOGY Habitat - Conservation
HAZARDS Fire - Management
Dataset Type Spatial
Description All identified environmental assets assessed from the risk of bushfire (Community NominatedSELECT 1 FROM DUAL; FaunaSELECT 1 FROM DUAL; FloraSELECT 1 FROM DUAL; Reserve System, Significant Habitat and Threatened Ecological Community) are combined INTO a single layer. South Australian environmental assets have been assessed for negative impacts from bushfire, resulting in a bushfire risk rating assigned to each asset and a decision on whether preventative risk treatment is required. The bushfire risk assessment layer is defined by the following CFS bushfire management planning areas: Adelaide & Mt Lofty Ranges, Fleurieu, Flinders, Mid North & Yorke, Kangaroo Island, Limestone Coast, Lower Eyre Peninsula, Murray Mallee, Outback and Upper Eyre Peninsula.
Dataset Use For internal use only. The spatial representation and attributes of the risk assessment are intended to be used by fire and land managers for strategic bushfire planning in order to reduce bushfire risk to those assets that have been identified with preventative risk treatment.
SDE Feature Class Name FIREMGT.BushfireRisk_CombinedEnvAssets
Projection/ Coordinate System LAMBERT


Data Authority

Data Authority Department for Environment and Water
Data Authority Name Mike Wouters
Senior Fire Ecologist
Data Manager Mike Wouters
Senior Fire Ecologist
Department for Environment and Water
8124 4825
Subject Matter Expert Damon Ezis
Manager - Fire Planning
Department for Environment and Water
(08) 8124 4822
Data Integrity Officer Roman Urban
Mapping Support Officer, Fire & Flood Management
Department for Environment and Water

Data Provider

Data Provider Department for Environment and Water

Data Quality

Lineage Feature classes and attributes are produced by combining 1. FIREMGT.BushfireRisk_ComNom 2. FIREMGT.BushfireRisk_Fauna 3. FIREMGT.BushfireRisk_Flora 4. FIREMGT.BushfireRisk_ReserveSystem 5. FIREMGT.BushfireRisk_TEC 6. FIREMGT.SignificantHabtiat The layer ranks the highest risk rating from the impact of bushfire above all other assessed asset features. For further information on the risk assessment procedure and methodology please refer to the State Bushfire Coordination Committees approved `Standard for the identification and risk assessment of South Australian environmental assets from bushfire¿.
Completeness Feature classes and attributes are complete.
Positional Accuracy Spatial accuracy varies within the layer.
Method / Capture Scale
MethodCapture ScaleComment
Derived from existing dataVariable


Table Name

Field Description

TableNameField AliasData Type% Complete% AccuracyDescription
FIREMGT.BushfireRisk_CombinedEnvAssetsAssetClassAssetClasstext100100The high level class type of asset assessed from the risk of bushfire
FIREMGT.BushfireRisk_CombinedEnvAssetsMaxRRCMaxRRCInteger100100The highest bushfire threat risk rating code for the combined environmental asset categories
FIREMGT.BushfireRisk_CombinedEnvAssetsMaxRRMaxRRtext100100The highest bushfire threat risk rating category for the combined environmental asset categories
FIREMGT.BushfireRisk_CombinedEnvAssetsMaxRR_AssetCategoryMaxRR_AssetCategorytext100100Environmental Asset(s) categories driving the highest bushfire risk rating of the Combined Environmental Assets. Concatenated codes: CN = Community Nominated Assets, FA = Fauna, FL = Flora, RS = Reserve System, SH= Significant Habitat and TEC = Threatened Ecological Communities
FIREMGT.BushfireRisk_CombinedEnvAssetsAREA_NUMBERAREA_NUMBERtext100100Bushfire management planning area code
FIREMGT.BushfireRisk_CombinedEnvAssetsAREA_NAMEAREA_NAMEtext100100Bushfire management planning area name

Geographic Extent

Extent NameSouth Australia
Min Easting or Longitude129
Min Northing or Latitude-38.25
Max Easting or Longitude141
Max Northing or Latitude-26

Dataset Status

Initially Acquired 11-JAN-2019
Last Updated 27-MAR-2019
Update Frequency As required
Maintenance Method As required
Metadata Created 04-MAR-2019
If copied, source dataset
Metadata updated 08/AUG/19 DTUP\markouxe
Authorised 08/AUG/19 DTUP\markouxe
Metadata Retired

Security Classification

ISMF Classification FOUO
ISMF Integrity I2 - MODERATE Requirement
ISMF Availability A2 - MODERATE Requirement
AusGOAL Licensing Classification Restricted
Further considerations for supply of dataset Issue exists due to arrangements to supply data to value-added resellers

Operator Notes

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