Bushfire Management Area Plan (BMAP) Asset Polygons

Dataset Number2371
Dataset TitleBushfire Management Area Plan (BMAP) Asset Polygons
CustodianData Authority: Country Fire Service (CFS)
Data Provider: Country Fire Service (CFS)


DescriptionBMAP Assets are assets at risk of bushfire, as identified in South Australia's nine Bushfire Management Area Plans (BMAPs). Each BMAP asset is assigned a risk rating of either low, medium, high, very high, or extreme. Assets may be assigned risk reduction "treatments" to reduce their level of risk. Where risk reduction treatments are assigned, the agency or agencies responsible for the treatment are also specified. BMAP Assets are captured in three datasets: BMAP Asset Points, BMAP Asset Lines, and BMAP Asset Polygons. This allows assets to be represented as either points (for example, a communication tower) lines (for example, a pipeline) or polygons (for example, an area of houses located at an urban/rural fringe). Assets are broadly categorised according to their value as either a "Human Settlement", "Economic Value", or "Social Value" asset. This is referred to as the "Asset Type". There is one other Asset Type, "Environmental", however, those assets are stored in a separate dataset named BMAP Environmental Assets. BMAPs are defined in Section 73A of the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005. BMAPs can be viewed on the Bushfire Management Area Plans page on the State Bushfire Coordination Committee (SBCC) website. Further information is available on the SBCC website. In particular, the publication named The Bushfire Management Area Plan Handbook 2018 provides more information about BMAP Assets.
UsageBMAP Asset data is primarily used by Bushfire Management Committee (BMC) member agencies and other stakeholders in bushfire management planning as described in Division 7 of the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005. BMAP asset data helps those agencies and stakeholders prioritise risk reduction works and develop coordinated bushfire risk reduction strategies across the landscape.

Data Quality

LineageThe BMAP asset data was maintained by the CFS Bushfire Management Planning Unit on behalf of South Australia's nine Bushfire Management Committees. The BMAP Asset data was initially captured from existing government datasets and through workshops with stakeholders in bushfire management planning. In some cases asset geometry was aligned to other state government datasets such as the digital cadastre. In 2022, regular updates to the BMAP assets GIS data were stopped. A notice was placed on each BMAP's online map stating "Due to instability in the existing software supporting the BMAPs, the BMAP Asset data displayed on the online maps can no longer be updated. The BMAP Asset data will continue to be displayed on the online maps for reference purposes. The 'Asset Treatment List' (also known as the risk register) for each BMAP is being updated, and can continue to be downloaded from the link on each plan map, but ongoing amendments to the content of the register will not appear on the maps. The procurement process to develop a new software solution to support BMAPs is underway." Updates to the BMAP Asset data displayed in the Location SA map viewer and on data.sa.gov.au also stopped at that time.
CompletenessComplete up until 2022 when updates to the BMAP Assets GIS data were stopped. See "Lineage" section for more information.
Positional AccuracySpatial accuracy varies within the layer.

Geographic Extent

Extent NameSouth Australia
Min Easting or Longitude129
Min Northing or Latitude-38.25
Max Easting or Longitude141
Max Northing or Latitude-26

Dataset Status

Initially Acquired2015
Last Updated2022
Update FrequencyNot Planned
Maintenance MethodUntil 2022 updates to BMAP Asset data were approved in accordance with section 17 of the The Bushfire Management Area Plan Handbook 2018. Once approved, updates were carried out by the CFS Bushfire Management Planning Unit using a software system called BRIMS. Since 2022, the BMAP Assets GIS data is no longer being updated. See "Lineage" section for more information.
AusGOALCC BY (Attribution)


TableNameField AliasData TypeDescription
BMAP Asset PolygonsAssetIDAssetIDNumberA numeric unique identifier for each asset.
BMAP Asset PolygonsAssetNameAssetNametextA free-text name assigned to an asset. For example, "Eden Hills Kindergarten".
BMAP Asset PolygonsAssetLocationAssetLocationtextA free-text description of the asset's location, which generally includes a street name and suburb or locality name.
BMAP Asset PolygonsCouncilAreaCouncilAreatextThe Local Government Area the asset is located within.
BMAP Asset PolygonsBMPAreaBMPAreatextThe Bushfire Management Area the asset is located within. Bushfire Management Areas are defined under Section 72 of the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005.
BMAP Asset PolygonsAssetTypeAssetTypetextBMAP Assets are categorised (based on their value) into four "Asset Types". The four asset types are "Human Settlement", "Economic", "Social Value", and "Environmental". Note that environmental assets are stored in a separate dataset named BMAP Environmental Assets.
BMAP Asset PolygonsAssetCategoryAssetCategorytextWithin the four "Asset Types", BMAP Assets are more finely categorised by "Asset Category". Asset Categories include, for example, "Residential" or "Infrastructure".
BMAP Asset PolygonsAssetSubCategoryAssetSubCategorytextWithin "Asset Categories", BMAP Assets are more finely categorised by "Asset Sub Category". Asset Sub Categories include, for example, "Plantations", "Railway Lines", or "Sports Clubs".
BMAP Asset PolygonsAssetOwnerAssetOwnertextWhere an asset's owner is known, this field contains a textual description of the asset owner. Values may include, for example, "SA Water" or "Local Government".
BMAP Asset PolygonsRiskRisktextThe asset's rating of bushfire risk. Values include "Low", "Medium", "High", "Very High", "Extreme", and "NA". In the context of BMAP, the meaning of "risk" and the methodology used to determine risk are explained in "The Bushfire Management Area Plan Handbook 2018", available at https://sbcc.sa.gov.au/resources/.
BMAP Asset PolygonsRepresentsWiderAreaRepresentsWiderAreatextIf this field contains '1', the asset's geometry represents a dispersed cluster of assets with common characteristics, risk factors and treatments.
BMAP Asset Polygonst1strategyt1strategytextt1strategy stands for "Bushfire Risk Reduction Treatment 1 Strategy". This field repeats, with the "t1" portion of the field name incrementing from "t1" to "t10", allowing up to 10 "treatments" to be recorded for each asset. A treatment's "strategy" is a strategic-level categorisation of how the treatment reduces bushfire risk. Possible values include, for example, "Land and Property Management", "Community Engagement", or "Education and Information Provision".
BMAP Asset Polygonst1actiont1actiontextt1action stands for "Bushfire Risk Reduction Treatment 1 Action". This field repeats, with the "t1" portion of the field name incrementing from "t1" to "t10", allowing up to 10 "treatments" to be recorded for each asset. A treatment's "action" is a more specific categorisation of the action that is planned to be taken to reduce bushfire risk. Possible values include, for example, "Asset Protection Zone", "Prescribed Burning", or "Property Preparedness".
BMAP Asset Polygonst1agency1t1agency1textt1agency1 stands for "Bushfire Risk Reduction Treatment 1 Agency 1". This field repeats, with the "t1" portion of the field name incrementing from "t1" to "t10", allowing up to 10 "treatments" to be recorded for each asset. For each treatment, this field repeats, with the "agency1" portion of the field name incrementing from "agency1" to "agency3", allowing up to three agencies to be recorded for each treatment. Agencies that are recorded for a treatment may have direct or indirect involvement in the implementation of a treatment. Possible values include, for example, "CFS", "SA Water" or "Forestry SA". If more than one agency is recorded for a treatment, the agencies are not in priority order.

Contact Information

OrganisationCountry Fire Service (CFS)
Postal AddressBOX 2468

SA 5001