Stormwater Drains

Dataset Number1030
Dataset TitleStormwater Drains
CustodianData Authority: Department for Environment and Water
Data Provider: Department for Environment and Water


DescriptionStormwater pipe infrastructure and open drainage network, collected by 19 Local Councils and compiled INTO a single, contiguous dataset. Flow direction has been incorporated INTO the dataset, however some flow directions may be incorrect. The dataset is under continual update as Councils collect and upgrade infrastructure.
UsageThe dataset can be used to show the extent of the stormwater network. Attributes of size, slope, type etc are included where known for analysis in flood modelling and pollution studies.

Data Quality

LineageThe Stormwater Drains dataset has been derived by updating the 2005 dataset with data obtained from Local Government Councils. See document: Report INTO the Capture of Urban Stormwater For the Onkaparinga and Torrens Catchment Water Management Boards (Verhoef and Cundell, 2003)
CompletenessThe stormwater dataset is incomplete. Updates and new data are added to the dataset on a yearly basis, as councils continue to collect asset information.
Positional AccuracyDiffering capture methods used by councils result in varying positional accuracy within each council's subset. Assets have been captured from maps, drawings and plans at a range of scales. The "Spat_acc" attribute records positional accuracy for each item. Lookup tables in the document "Report INTO the Capture of Urban Stormwater For the Onkaparinga and Torrens Catchment Water Management Boards (Verhoef and Cundell, 2003)" interpret attribute values INTO 3 classes. The "Cap_meth" attribute records method of capture for each record. Line matching across some council boundaries is incomplete.

Geographic Extent

Extent NameAdelaide (metro planning area)
Min Easting or Longitude138.44
Min Northing or Latitude-35.352
Max Easting or Longitude138.846
Max Northing or Latitude-34.574

Dataset Status

Initially Acquired1/1/2000
Last UpdatedCURRENT
Update FrequencyContinual
Maintenance MethodThe dataset is under continual update as Councils collect and upgrade infrastructure.
AusGOALCC BY (Attribution)


TableNameField AliasData TypeDescription
WATER.StormWaterLGA CharacterCouncils unique identifier for drain element
WATER.StormWaterSTRUCT_TYPE IntegerCode representing type of drain element (See Table 10)
WATER.StormWaterMULTIPLE NumberNumber of repeated nodes
WATER.StormWaterDIMENSION1 NumberLength of attribute feature
WATER.StormWaterDIMENSION2 NumberWidth of attribute feature
WATER.StormWaterDIMENSION3 NumberDepth of attribute feature
WATER.StormWaterELEVATION NumberElevation of attribute feature in metres
WATER.StormWaterMATERIAL IntegerCoded number representing feature material (See Table 11)
WATER.StormWaterCOMMENTS CharacterRemarks from council relating to feature
WATER.StormWaterCON_YEAR IntegerYear of Construction if known
WATER.StormWaterCAPT_METH IntegerCode representing capture method (See Table 5)
WATER.StormWaterSPAT_ACC IntegerSpatial Accuracy represented by a whole number (+- metres)
WATER.StormWaterATT_ACC IntegerCoded value used to rate attribute accuracy (See Table 6)
WATER.StormWaterCAPT_DATE DateDate of data capture
WATER.StormWaterLGA_DRNID CharacterContains the relevant council id for the data
WATER.StormWaterDRAIN_TYPE Long IntegerCode indicating drain type

Contact Information

OrganisationDepartment for Environment and Water
Postal AddressGPO Box 1047

SA 5001