Irrigation Divisions

Dataset Number1089
Dataset TitleIrrigation Divisions
CustodianData Authority: Department for Infrastructure and Transport
Data Provider: Location SA


DescriptionAn Irrigation Division refers to a unit of land inside an Irrigation Area within South Australia that is administered under the Irrigation Act for irrigation purposes.
UsageGeneral mapping for the representation of division boundaries.

Data Quality

LineageCaptured from the digitsing of the Irrigarion Areas and Divisions
CompletenessFull coverage
Positional AccuracyIn line with the underlying parcel cadastre.

Geographic Extent

Extent NameSouth Australia
Min Easting or Longitude129
Min Northing or Latitude-38.25
Max Easting or Longitude141
Max Northing or Latitude-26

Dataset Status

Initially Acquired1/2/1995
Last UpdatedCURRENT
Update FrequencyAs required
Maintenance MethodAdjust boundaries to fit with the underlying cadastre
AusGOALCC BY (Attribution)


TableNameField AliasData TypeDescription
Primary TableIRArea CharacterName of Irrigation Area
Primary TableDivision CharacterName of Irrigation Area Division
Primary TableIRAreaType CharacterType of Irrigation Area

Contact Information

OrganisationDepartment for Infrastructure and Transport
Postal Address77 Grenfell Street