Gazetteer Sites

Dataset Number755
Dataset TitleGazetteer Sites
CustodianData Authority: Department for Infrastructure and Transport
Data Provider: Location SA


DescriptionPoint cover of place name locations for SA with ancillary files depicting line and polygon feature extents.
UsageDefinitive list of place names in South Australia showing both official and unofficial place names. Can also be used as an anno-text layer for addition to mapping production. This is a subset of the place names gazetteer showing only those name that have been cleared for public release.

Data Quality

LineageDerived by reference to naming decisions, topographic and other maps, explorers journals and other historical documentation and from information provided by specific interest groups and the general community.
CompletenessPlace names are always being added and updated to this database.
Positional AccuracyScaled from the best available topo maps and other sources, including some GPS fixes. It is appropriate to take due regard of the accuracy of the data capture in any proposed use of the data.

Geographic Extent

Extent NameSouth Australia
Min Easting or Longitude129
Min Northing or Latitude-38.25
Max Easting or Longitude141
Max Northing or Latitude-26

Dataset Status

Initially Acquired16-NOV-2005
Last UpdatedCURRENT
Update FrequencyDaily
Maintenance MethodArcGIS update methodology
No restrictions - data can be downloaded for free at
AusGOALCC BY (Attribution)


TableNameField AliasData TypeDescription
Gazetteer.dbfRECNO CharacterUnique unchangable record number
Gazetteer.dbfDATE_CR_AL DateDate record created or last altered
Gazetteer.dbfNAME CharacterName of Feature
Gazetteer.dbfF_CODE CharacterFeature Code of item type
Gazetteer.dbfOTHERDETLS CharacterText field showing relevant information relating to history, decisions and comments relating to the name
Gazetteer.dbfSOURCE CharacterText field showing relevant source documents supporing the use of the name
Gazetteer.dbfCLASS CharacterClassification of the name in terms of the Geographical Names Act
Gazetteer.dbfAUTHDOC CharacterAuthority docket for the classification of the name
Gazetteer.dbfGAZDATE DateDate of gazettal - applies only to names classified as "Geographical"
Gazetteer.dbfHUNDRED CharacterHundred name in which the named feature lies
Gazetteer.dbfSECTION CharacterSection number (if known) in which the named feature lies
Gazetteer.dbfCOUNTY CharacterCounty name in which the named feature lies
Gazetteer.dbfPOSTCODE CharacterPostcode - only applied to the names that represent addressable localities
Gazetteer.dbfLGA BinaryLocal Government name in which the named feature lies
Gazetteer.dbfDATUM CharacterDatum
Gazetteer.dbfMSHT Character1:50 000 mapsheet number
Gazetteer.dbfCO_ORDEAST CharacterAMG East Coordinate
Gazetteer.dbfCO_ORDNORTH CharacterAMG North Coordinate
Gazetteer.dbfSOURCE_CE CharacterAMG East Coordinate for the other end of linear features
Gazetteer.dbfSOURCE_CN CharacterAMG North Coordinate for the other end of linear features
Gazetteer.dbfZONE CharacterMapsheet Zone
Gazetteer.dbfLATITUDE CharacterLatitute - AGD 1984
Gazetteer.dbfLONGITUDE CharacterLongitude - AGD 1984
Gazetteer.dbfSTATE CharacterState code
Gazetteer.dbfNAMEDBY CharacterPerson or agency responsible for giving the name
Gazetteer.dbfDATENAMED DateDate name given
Gazetteer.dbfDERIVATION BinaryDerivation or meaning of the name
Gazetteer.dbfORIGCODE CharacterOrigin code of the name
Gazetteer.dbfCURNAME CharacterCurrent name - applied to features that have had a change of name
Gazetteer.dbfPREVNAME CharacterPrevious name applied to features that have had a cHange of name
Gazetteer.dbfALTNAME CharacterAtlernative name - shoing any current alternative name or spelling
Gazetteer.dbfDUAL_NAME_REP CharacterStructure of the dual name represenation is assigned for use on mapping and signage
Gazetteer.dbfELEVATION CharacterElevation of the feature
Gazetteer.dbfMGA94EAST CharacterMGA East Coordinate
Gazetteer.dbfMGA94NORTH CharacterMGA North Coordinate
Gazetteer.dbfMGA94_S_CE CharacterMGA East Coordinate for the other end of linear features
Gazetteer.dbfMGA94_S_CN CharacterMGA North Coordinate for the other end of linear features
Gazetteer.dbfGDA94_LAT CharacterLatitute - GDA1994
Gazetteer.dbfGDA94_LONG CharacterLongitude - GDA1994
Gazetteer.dbfCON_GAZ CharacterIndicator to advise if the name is included in the Concise Gazetteer of Australia
Gazetteer.dbfPUBLIC_REL CharacterIndicator to show if the name is to be released publicly.

Contact Information

OrganisationDepartment for Infrastructure and Transport
Postal Address77 Grenfell Street