Parcel Cadastre combined

Dataset Number833
Dataset TitleParcel Cadastre combined
CustodianData Authority: Department for Housing and Urban Development
Data Provider: Department for Housing and Urban Development


DescriptionA Parcel Cadastre consisting of a line-work representation for all land parcels linked to the specific attributes uniquely related to the relevant parcel. The Plan/Parcel ID reference will be the primary key for each parcel. Delineation of current land parcels as registered on plans of division lodged with Land Services Division. For example, lot in plan (FP, DP, RP, CP, SP, GRO), section in hundred, block out of hundreds. This data product has been created from LOTS data as used in DTEI¿s PLB+ application. The associated table structure is identical to that formerly available from DENR¿s EGIS. Unique Feature Identifier is PARCEL_ID. Does not include easements. Note: Three parcel datasets are availableSELECT 1 FROM DUAL; ParcelCadastre, ParcelCadastreCommunity and ParcelCadastreCombined. ParcelCadastreCombined is created via scripts in the DPTI environment. Outer Boundary Parcels are removed to make way for corresponding Community Parcels and the Accuracy_Code and Improved fields are calculated from the Parent OB parcel.
UsageUsed for land administration, mapping and spatial analysis purposes generally. Can be linked to other databases either spatially or through the parcel identifier.

Data Quality

LineageAs per Parcel Cadastre Most data was captured from maps at scale 1:2,500 in urban areas (400,000 parcels), and 1:10,000 or 1:50,000 in rural areas (350,000 parcels) with the remainder in pastoral areas and islands. Strata units were captured in 1999 using `heads up¿ digitising methods. These plans were digitally scanned at various scales. The Parcel Cadastre combined also provides a common and spatially consistent boundary framework for client use that promotes consistency among dependent data setsSELECT 1 FROM DUAL; thus facilitating improved data integration and analysis across government.
CompletenessAs per Parcel Cadastre The Parcel Cadastre combined is updated in accordance with information detailed in plans deposited in Land Registration, Investment Management, Department of Planning Transport and Infrastructure(DPTI). These plans comprise subdivisions, roads opening and closing, re-designation of parcels and community plans. New parcel information is updated to the Parcel Cadastre within 2 weeks of receipt of the relevant information
Positional AccuracyAs per Parcel Cadastre The positional accuracy of land parcel corners is dependent upon the scale of the historically captured source mapping and the subsequent digitising processes, either manual or input of PCPLANS files converted to XML. The accuracy of each boundary corner is described by an accuracy code. The code ranges from 0 to 7 (improved accuracy is reflected by descending number). On digital output, this accuracy code is attached to other feature types (eg. polygons). In some areas, the positional accuracy of land parcel corners has been improved from graphical accuracy to survey accuracy. These coordinate values have been derived by computation (Least Squares Adjustment for example) using plan measurements and tertiary network survey marks for control. A number of urban areas mainly around Adelaide have been spatially improved as part of a project. Spatial upgrades can be instigated as a result of client request.

Geographic Extent

Extent NameSouth Australia
Min Easting or Longitude129
Min Northing or Latitude-38.25
Max Easting or Longitude141
Max Northing or Latitude-26

Dataset Status

Initially Acquiredcommenced 1984
Last UpdatedCURRENT
Update FrequencyDaily
Maintenance MethodAs per Parcel Cadastre Data entered using ESRI ArcMap Parcel Editor. XML converter program used to convert PCPLANS files. Generally, in spatially improved areas, data is entered INTO preselected cadastral extent covering the block the new parcels are in and extending to cover the next adjacent blocks. Once entered, a least squares adjustment is performed. In areas not spatially improved, generally the parent and adjoining parels are extracted and the new data entered. no least square adjustment is performed.


TableNameField AliasData TypeDescription
Primary TablePLAN_T CharacterPlan type code (e.g. D = Deposited Plan, F = File Plan, S = Strata Plan, C = Community Plan, H = Hundred Plan, R = Road Plan¿)
Primary TablePLAN CharacterAlpha/numeric Plan number e.g. 1234
Primary TablePARCEL_T CharacterParcel type code (e.g. A = Allotment, S = Section, Q = Piece, B = Block, ¿)
Primary TableTITLE_T CharacterTitle Type. Generally CT (Certificate of Title)
Primary TableVOLUME CharacterThe Title Volume Number
Primary TableFOLIO CharacterThe Title Folio Number
Primary TableQUALIFIER CharacterWhen title fields are populated this field indicates that there is more than one title with ¿+titles¿, otherwise field left blank.
Primary TableFLOOR_LEVEL DoubleRecords the floor level the parcel 0 or null is ground floor 1 is first floor etc.
Primary TableDATE_FROM DateThe ¿Date and Time¿ entered for the feature
Primary TablePARCEL_ID CharacterDENR Poly ID (formula explained below)
Primary TableACCURACY_CODE Long IntegerAccuracy code (e.g. 7 Outside ¿integration finished¿ SIP Areas, otherwise one of the values listed below)
Primary TableIMPROVED Long IntegerThis field indicates parcels that have been spatially improved e.g. in ¿integration finished¿ areas in the SIP_Areas featureclass
Primary TableDCDBID CharacterParcel Identifier, concatenation of PLAN_T, PLAN, PARCEL_T and PLAN values. In the form of D12345A67
Primary TablePARCEL_SUBTYPE textThis field indicates the type of parcel (e.g. AL = Allotment, AR = Allotment (Road), QP = Piece, BL = Block)
Primary TablePLANPARCEL textNew Parcel ID field including the additional charcter for the Parcel Type

Contact Information

OrganisationDepartment for Housing and Urban Development
Planning and Land Use Services
Postal Address83 Pirie Street