Table | Name | Field Alias | Data Type | Description |
WATER.Drillholes | UNIT_NO | | Character | A unique identifier for a drillhole. A concatenation of the fields `Map¿ {1:100 000 map sheet number} and `Num¿ {an unique number for the well in that map sheet}. |
WATER.Drillholes | DHNO | | Character | Drillhole Number unique internally generated number |
WATER.Drillholes | NAME | | Character | Name of the drillhole |
WATER.Drillholes | EASTING | | Character | Easting |
WATER.Drillholes | NORTHING | | Character | Northing |
WATER.Drillholes | ZONE_ | | Character | MGA Zone (GDA94) in which the drillhole is located. |
WATER.Drillholes | LAT | | Character | Decimal latitude degrees south ,of the drillhole, (denormalised from lat_degrees, minutes, seconds) (GDA94). |
WATER.Drillholes | LONG | | Character | Decimal longitude degrees (denormalised from long degrees, minutes, seconds) (GDA94 |
WATER.Drillholes | REF_ELEV | | Character | The AHD(Australian Height Datum) elevation of an elevation point |
WATER.Drillholes | GRND_ELEV | | Character | The AHD(Australian Height Datum) elevation of an elevation point |
WATER.Drillholes | HUND | | Character | Name of the hundred in which the drillhole is located. |
WATER.Drillholes | PARCEL | | Character | Parcel type and number in which the drillhole is located |
WATER.Drillholes | PARCELNO | | Character | The unique No. for the Parcel, where the drillhole is located |
WATER.Drillholes | PARCELID | | Character | A concatenation of the Plan Type, plan number, Parcel Type and Parcel Number to form a unique ID, where the drillhole is located |
WATER.Drillholes | STATE | | Character | State code where the drillhole is located eg SA |
WATER.Drillholes | MAP | | Character | 1:100 000 map sheet number |
WATER.Drillholes | NUM | | Character | Sequential number for the drillhole |
WATER.Drillholes | MAPNUM | | Character | Combination of MAP & NUM field records, creating a unique drillhole identifier |
WATER.Drillholes | STATUS | | Character | A character field indicating the current or latest reported status of the well, whereSELECT 1 FROM DUAL;
"ABD" - Abandoned,
"BKF" - Backfilled,
"BLK" - Blocked,
"CAM" - Care and Maintenance,
"CAP" - Capped,
"CAS" - Cased,
"CFL" - Controlled Flowing,
"CLP" - Collapsed,
"COM" - Completed,
"DCM" - Dual Completion,
"DRY" - Dry,
"EXS" - Extinct Spring,
"FL" - Flowing,
"GEQ" - Geotechnically Equipped,
"INJ" - Injector,
"MND" - Mined (removed by mining),
"NIU" - Not in use,
"NL" - Not Located,
"NOP" - Not Operational,
"OPQ" - Operational as required,
"OPR" - Operational,
"PLG" - Plugged,
"RHB" - Rehabilitated,
"SCM" - Single Completion,
"SHT" - Shut In,
"STO" - Storage,
"SUS" - Suspended,
"UFL" - Uncontrolled Flowing,
"UKN" - Unknown,
"UNW" - Unworked,
"WWT" - Converted to WW. |
WATER.Drillholes | STAT_DESC | | Character | Status description e.g. (Backfilled) |
WATER.Drillholes | PURPOSE | | Character | A character field indicating the primary purpose for which the well was drilled, where:
APP - Appraisal
CMT - Construction Materials
COA - Coal
DAM - Dam
DEP- Deepening
DEV - Development
DOM - Domestic
DRN - Drainage
DWT - Dewatering
ENV - Environmental
ETH - Earthing
EXP - Exploration
FIR - Fire Fighting
FND - Foundations
GEN - General Usage
HOL - Water Hole
IND - Industrial
INV - Investigation
IRR - Irrigation
LAK - Lake
MDS - Mound Spring
OBS - Observation
PRO - Production
RCL - Recreational
REC - Recharge
RHL - Rock Hole
RIV - River
SCI - Scientific
SEA - Sea Water
SEI - Seismic
SOK - Soak
SPR - Spring
STK - Stock
TNK - Tank
TWS - Town Water Supply (Public / Municipal)
UKN - Unknown
WAS - Waste Disposal |
WATER.Drillholes | PURP_DESC | | Character | Purpose description e.g. (Domestic) |
WATER.Drillholes | PURPOSE2 | | Character | Secondary purpose code e.g. (DOM) |
WATER.Drillholes | PURP2_DESC | | Character | Secondary purpose description e.g. (Domestic |
WATER.Drillholes | PURPOSE3 | | Character | Tertiary purpose code e.g. (DOM) |
WATER.Drillholes | PURP3_DESC | | Character | Tertiary purpose description e.g. (Domestic) |
WATER.Drillholes | ANALFULL | | Character | Flag field, set by the data base, indicating that a water chemistry sample (with results) exists in SA_GEODATA for this drillhole. (Y or N) |
WATER.Drillholes | PH | | Character | pH level (if known) |
WATER.Drillholes | TDS | | Character | Total Dissolved Salts |
WATER.Drillholes | TDSDATE | | Character | Date of TDS test |
WATER.Drillholes | YIELD | | Character | The rate, in L/sec, at which water is extracted or is flowing from the drillhole. |
WATER.Drillholes | YIELD_DATE | | Character | Observation date for well yield measurement |
WATER.Drillholes | WATER_CUT | | Character | Distance from drillhole to where water began flowing |
WATER.Drillholes | DTW | | Character | The measured distance, in metres, from a reference point to the water surface in the drillhole |
WATER.Drillholes | SWL | | Character | The latest standing water level (time series) value, in metres, recorded for the drillhole |
WATER.Drillholes | SWLDATE | | Character | Latest observation date of SWL |
WATER.Drillholes | DRILL_DATE | | Character | Date well was drilled (if known |
WATER.Drillholes | LAT_DEPTH | | Character | Latest known depth, in metres, for the drillhole |
WATER.Drillholes | ORIG_DEPTH | | Character | Maximum depth, in metres, of the drillhole when it was originally drilled |
WATER.Drillholes | MAX_DEPTH | | Character | The maximum depth, in metres, to which the drillhole has been drilled |
WATER.Drillholes | PERMIT_NO | | Character | Latest well construction permit number relating to a drillhole |
WATER.Drillholes | PERMIT_EX | | Character | Permit extension code |
WATER.Drillholes | LOGGEOPHYS | | Character | Flag field indicating that a geophysical log, for the drillhole, exists in the data base (Y or N). |
WATER.Drillholes | LOGDRILL | | Character | Flag field indicating that a driller's log, for the drillhole, exists in the data base (Y or N). |
WATER.Drillholes | LOGGEOL | | Character | Flag field indicating that a geological log, for the drillhole, exists in the data base (Y or N). |
WATER.Drillholes | LOGSTRAT | | Character | Flag field indicating that a stratigraphical log, for the drillhole, exists in the data base (Y or N). |
WATER.Drillholes | LOGHYDROST | | Character | Flag field indicating that a hydro-stratigraphical log, for the drillhole, exists in the data base (Y or N). |
WATER.Drillholes | LOGGER_DAT | | Character | Flag field indicating that a logger data, for the drillhole, exists in the data base (Y or N). |
WATER.Drillholes | TELEMETRY_ | | Character | Flag field indicating that a Telemetry data, for the drillhole, exists in the data base (Y or N). |
WATER.Drillholes | OBSHUND | | Character | Hundred in which the well is located (3 characters) |
WATER.Drillholes | OBSSEQ | | Character | Number which uniquely identifies that well in the hundred (3 digits) |
WATER.Drillholes | OBSNUMBER | | Character | Combination of the hundred in which the well is located (OBSHUND) and a number which uniquely identifies that well in the hundred (OBSSEQ) |
WATER.Drillholes | CLASS | | Character | An unique character that identifies the type of well which will be either
"EW" - Engineering Well,
"MW" - Mineral Well,
"PW" - Petroleum Well,
"SP" - Seismic Point,
"SW" - Stratigraphic Well,
"WP" - Water Point, or
"WW" - Water Well. |
WATER.Drillholes | WW_CLASS | | Character | Flag field indicating if drillhole is a water well (Y or N) |
WATER.Drillholes | PRIVATE | | Character | Flag field indicating if it is a private well |
WATER.Drillholes | EC | | Character | A measure of the electrical conductivity, in uS/cm, of the water sample. |
WATER.Drillholes | RSWL | | Character | Reduced Standing Water Level - the elevation of the water level, typically measured in mAHD. It is calculated by subtracting the Depth to Water (DTW) from the reference elevation. A negative value indicates that the water level is below mean sea level. |
WATER.Drillholes | AQ_MON | | Character | Aquifer monitoring code |
WATER.Drillholes | PHOTO | | Character | Flag field indicating if drillhole has a photo in the database (Y or N) |
WATER.Drillholes | OWNER_CODE | | Character | Agency owner code e.g. PIRSA |
WATER.Drillholes | STATE_ASSE | | Character | Flag field indicating if drillhole is State owned (Y, N or U) |
WATER.Drillholes | AQ_MONDESC | | Character | Aquifer ¿ full description |
WATER.Drillholes | SUBURB | | Character | Suburb in which the drillhole is located |
WATER.Drillholes | LGA | | Character | Local Government Area in which the drillhole is located |
WATER.Drillholes | HUNDRED | | Character | Hundred in which the drillhole is located |
WATER.Drillholes | SW_CATCHMENT | | Character | Surface water catchment in which the drillhole is located |
WATER.Drillholes | NRM_REGION_CODE | | Character | Natural Resource Management Region in which the drillhole is located |
WATER.Drillholes | PRESCRIBED_WELL_AREA | | Character | Prescribed Wells Area in which the drillhole is located |
WATER.Drillholes | PRESC_WATER_RES_AREA | | Character | Prescribed Water Resources Area in which the drillhole is located |
WATER.Drillholes | CASE_TO | | Character | Maximum depth, in metres, at which any of the casing strings ends. Obtained from the latest well construction event. |
WATER.Drillholes | MIN_DIAM | | Character | Minimum internal diameter, in mm's, of casing used in the latest well construction event |
WATER.Drillholes | TITLE_PREFIX | | Character | Title type prefix, where the drillhole is located |
WATER.Drillholes | TITLE_VOLUME | | Character | Title Volume number, where the drillhole is located |
WATER.Drillholes | TITLE_FOLIO | | Character | Title Folio number, where the drillhole is located |
WATER.Drillholes | TITLE_ID | | Character | Concatenation of Title Type, Title Volume and Title Folio |
WATER.Drillholes | GRND_ELEV_DEM | | Character | The Australian Height Datum of the ground elevation at the drillhole location, derived from DEM |
WATER.Drillholes | NGIS | | Character | Flag field indicating if drillhole is part of the National Groundwater Information System (Y) |
WATER.Drillholes | LATEST_REF_POINT_TYP | | Character | A unique code indicating the type of reference point |