State Marine Park Network Points

Dataset Number893
Dataset TitleState Marine Park Network Points
CustodianData Authority: Department for Environment and Water
Data Provider: Department for Environment and Water


DescriptionThis dataset identifies the longitude and latitude of the South Australian Marine Park outer boundaries at different locations within the state. For example where the boundary meets the state waters, coastline (median high water), DCDB and where the boundary changes direction within state waters. Following a public consultation process, the marine park boundaries were re-proclaimed on the 23rd July, 2009 to include some changes. This dataset was updated in August 2011 due to an update in the ports spatial layer provided by PIRSA. This dataset relates to the coordinates of the outer boundaries only. Internal marine park draft zoning coordinates will be released late 2012.
UsageDefines coordinates of the outer boundaries of the South Australian Marine Parks Network.

Data Quality

LineagePoints were digitised on screen at a scale >1:1000 in GDA 94 geographic. These points were digitsed at locations where the marine park boundaries meets the state waters boundary, median high water, Cadastral parcels (DCDB) and were the boundary changes direction within state waters.
CompletenessDataset is complete.
Positional AccuracyThe positional accuracy of the South Australian Marine Parks Network (Boundaries) coordinates is related to the positional accuracy of the following data sources South Australian (SA) coastline (median high water), Australian Maritime boundaries, Cadastral (DCDB) and NPWSA boundaries. The positional accuracy for data captured from the DCDB and NPWSA layers is dependent on the map scale from which the parcels were originally captured. The total of the data captured from the DCDB and NPWSA layer is 25%. Data captured from the SA coastline positional accuracy is quoted as +/- 25 metres which is 30% of the data. The positional accuracy of the data captured from the Australian Maritime boundaries is quoted as +/- 150 metres which is 16% of the data. Data captured within state waters has a positional accuracy of +/- 20 metres which is 27% of the data. The South Australian Marine Parks Network (Boundaries) coordinates will be further verified in 2009.

Geographic Extent

Extent NameSouth Australia
Min Easting or Longitude129
Min Northing or Latitude-38.25
Max Easting or Longitude141
Max Northing or Latitude-26

Dataset Status

Initially Acquired20-JAN-2009
Last Updated10-DEC-2012
Update FrequencyAs required
Maintenance MethodWhen updates are available.
AusGOALCC BY (Attribution)


TableNameField AliasData TypeDescription
CONSERVATION.StateMarineParkNetworkPointsRESNAME CharacterMarine park name
CONSERVATION.StateMarineParkNetworkPointsRESTYPE CharacterStandard coding for all parks e.g. Marine Park = MP
CONSERVATION.StateMarineParkNetworkPointsTYPE CharacterType of park.
CONSERVATION.StateMarineParkNetworkPointsGAZ_DATE CharacterDate of initial gazetting
CONSERVATION.StateMarineParkNetworkPointsLATEST_GAZ CharacterLast time boundaries were adjusted
CONSERVATION.StateMarineParkNetworkPointsRES_CODE CharacterMarine park number
CONSERVATION.StateMarineParkNetworkPointsRACKPLAN CharacterRack plan number
CONSERVATION.StateMarineParkNetworkPointsRESNAMETYPE CharacterConcatenation of RESNAME and (RESTYPE) e.g. Great Australian Bight (MP).
CONSERVATION.StateMarineParkNetworkPointsLONG_DMS textLongitude coordinate of the Network Point in Degrees,Minutes,Seconds (GDA94)
CONSERVATION.StateMarineParkNetworkPointsLAT_DMS textLatitude coordinate of the Network Point in Degrees,Minutes,Seconds (GDA94)

Contact Information

OrganisationDepartment for Environment and Water
Parks & Regions
Postal AddressGPO Box 1047