Prescribed Watercourses

Dataset Number906
Dataset TitlePrescribed Watercourses
CustodianData Authority: Department for Environment and Water
Data Provider: Department for Environment and Water


DescriptionDelineates the portion of the South Australian section of the River Murray gazetted as a prescribed water course. And includes several other watercourses which have been prescribed under the Water Resources Act.- In response to water management and usage issues, certain areas within the state have been prescribed in order to equitably share and manage the water resources and control future water extraction processes. The prescription may be placed on surface water areas (eg farm dams), groundwater (areas of bores and wells) or watercourses (streams and rivers) or a combination of types. This layer contains the line work delineating the watercourses which have been prescribed through legislation (Water Resources Act 1997). It is maintained as the master line work of the prescribed watercourses within the state. This layer will mainly be used for administration purposes for water licensing. This dataset only provides details of prescribed watercourses (streams and rivers) while the associated datasets, Prescribed Surface Water Areas and Prescribed Wells Areas, contains the line work for the prescribed surface water areas and ground water areas within the state. The Water Resources Act 1997 defines the principles for prescribing a watercourse and the resource management policies. Each prescribed watercourse requires a Water Allocation Plan to be prepared by the appropriate Natural Resources Management Board.
UsageIntended for use in the field of water resource management.

Data Quality

LineageDigitised from plans lodged with the General Registry Office as G.R.O number 926/78, sheets 1 to 13.
Positional AccuracyAccuracy dependant on scale of capture.

Geographic Extent

Extent NameRiver Murray
Min Easting or Longitude138.5
Min Northing or Latitude-36.25
Max Easting or Longitude141
Max Northing or Latitude-33.75

Dataset Status

Initially Acquired30-OCT-2000
Last Updated13-MAY-2010
Update FrequencyAs required
Maintenance MethodDigitize or extract from other data layers the appropriate boundary changes required.
AusGOALCC BY (Attribution)


TableNameField AliasData TypeDescription
Admin.PrescribedWaterCoursesNAME textName of Prescribed Watercourse ie River Murray
Admin.PrescribedWaterCoursesPRESTYPE textType of Prescription ie Watercourse
Admin.PrescribedWaterCoursesLONGNAME textFull name of PWC ie River Murray Prescribed Watercourse
Admin.PrescribedWaterCoursesGRO_PLAN textGRO Plan Number
Admin.PrescribedWaterCoursesGG_Date textDate of notice in Government Gazette
Admin.PrescribedWaterCoursesGG_Page textPage number of notice in Government Gazette
Admin.PrescribedWaterCoursesWilmaID Long IntegerPWC identification number from DFWs Licensing Database

Contact Information

OrganisationDepartment for Environment and Water
Postal AddressGPO Box 1047

SA 5001