Table | Name | Field Alias | Data Type | Description |
Primary Table | VALUATION_NUMBER | | Character | valuation number is created by concatenating
¿ valgrpno
VALN_MASTER.VALGRPNO is (valuation group number) First column in the key that uniquely identifies a property. VALGRPNO - this is a 2 digit field padded with zeros which identifies the group the assessment belongs to. This is equivalent to the first 2 digits of the LGA, on the LGA_MASTER the assessment belongs to.
¿ valprpno
VALN_MASTER.VALPRPNO is (valuation property number) Second column in the key that uniquely identifies a property. VALPROPNO - this is a 5 digit field padded with zeros which is the property number. This number will fall within the PROP_RANGE_FROM and PROP_RANGE_TO on the LGA_MASTER. This is how the LGA for the assessment is determined.
¿ valsubno
VALN_MASTER.VALSUBNO is (valuation sub number) Third column in the key that uniquely identifies a property. VALSUBNO - This is a two digit padded with zeros field which is used to uniquely identify the assessment, along with the group and prop numbers.
¿ valnocd
VALN_MASTER.VALNOCD is (valuation number check digit) The Valuation Number check digit - an algorithm is applied to the valuation number which produces a remainder (the Check Digit) which ensures the valuation number is correct. Fourth column in the key that uniquely identifies a property.
Primary Table | ASSNO_TENSEQNO | | Character | ASSNO_TENSEQNO is a 14 character field and is created by concatenating
¿ valgrpno
VALN_MASTER.VALGRPNO is (valuation group number) First column in the key that uniquely identifies a property. VALGRPNO - this is a 2 digit field padded with zeros which identifies the group the assessment belongs to. This is equivalent to the first 2 digits of the LGA, on the LGA_MASTER the assessment belongs to.
¿ valprpno
VALN_MASTER.VALPRPNO is (valuation property number) Second column in the key that uniquely identifies a property. VALPROPNO - this is a 5 digit field padded with zeros which is the property number. This number will fall within the PROP_RANGE_FROM and PROP_RANGE_TO on the LGA_MASTER. This is how the LGA for the assessment is determined.
¿ valsubno
VALN_MASTER.VALSUBNO is (valuation sub number) Third column in the key that uniquely identifies a property. VALSUBNO - This is a two digit field padded with zeros which is used to uniquely identify the assessment, along with the group and prop numbers.
¿ valnocd
VALN_MASTER.VALNOCD is (valuation number check digit) The Valuation Number check digit - an algorithm is applied to the valuation number which produces a remainder (the Check Digit) which ensures the valuation number is correct. Fourth column in the key that uniquely identifies a property.
¿ 0000
There are four zeros added on the end of the concatenated fields
Primary Table | RECORD_STATUS | | Character | Record_status has possible values of `Current¿, 'Cancelled', 'Proposed Cancelled' or 'Proposed Current'. This is the decode (the explanation) of (VALN_MASTER.RECSTAT), a one digit number giving the status (or currency) of the valuation record. Possible status codes are:-
0, 'Current',
1, 'Cancelled', from beginning of current financial year
2, 'Proposed Cancelled', from beginning of next financial year
3, 'Proposed Current' from beginning of next financial year
The proposed records are advised during the year and become active, (or current), at the beginning of the present or next financial year
Primary Table | SVALNNO | | Number | SVALNNO is a 7 digit number taken directly from VALN_MASTER.SVALNNO which is (system valuation number). A system generated number/key used to build relationships and links to valuation details. |
Primary Table | RECTYPE | | Number | RECTYPE is a single digit number with possible values of 1, 2 or 3. This is taken directly from VALN_MASTER.RECTYPE which is (record type), A one digit number giving notification of the use of a Valuation |
Primary Table | LAND_USE_CODE | | Number | LAND_USE_CODE is a 4 digit number taken directly from VALN_MASTER.LUC_CODE which is the land use code relating to a property or tenancy |
Primary Table | LEGAL_LAND_USE | | Number | AL_DECODE.C_CODE is the fee category code. The fee category code indicates the category of the licence fee to apply against a particular purpose |
Primary Table | LAND_USE_DESCRIPTION | | Character | The land use description indicates the category of the licence fee to apply against a particular purpose. The type of code being maintained for the Annual Licence is restricted to ZC |
Primary Table | VG_LAND_USE_DESCRIPT | | Character | VALUATION_LAND_USE_DECODE.VG_LAND_USE DESCRIPTION is the decoded description of the land use |
Primary Table | LG_LAND_USE_DESCRIPT | | Number | VALUATION_LAND_USE_DECODE.LG_LAND_USE DESCRIPTION is the decoded description of the land use Zoning.
Commercial ¿ Office
Commercial ¿ Other
Commercial ¿ Shop
Industry ¿ Light
Industry ¿ Other
Primary Production
Vacant Land
Primary Table | IMPROVEMENTS | | Character | VALN_MASTER.VPROPIMP is the property improvements description. This is Free field which allows for coding of main buildings/out buildings plus other improvements eg. swimming pools on the property |
Primary Table | WATER_AVAILABLE | | Character | VALN_MASTER.WATERCI this indicator is activated when a water main abuts the property.
This field is DECODED as: '1', 'YES', '0', 'NO'
Primary Table | SEWERAGE_AVAILABLE | | Character | VALN_MASTER.EWSCI is an indicator for sewerage main abutting property. This field is DECODE
as: '1', 'YES', '0', 'NO'
Primary Table | NUMBER_OF_MAIN_ROOMS | | Number | VALN_BUILDING_DET.NOROOMS is the number of rooms in a building. This figure represents MAIN rooms only and does NOT include hallways, stairwells, and wet areas. Normally this is only used for Residential buildings |
Primary Table | NUMBER_OF_BEDROOMS | | Number | VALN_BUILDING_DET.NOBEDRMS is the number of bedrooms for the house or tenancy for which Fringe Benefit Rental details are to be provided |
Primary Table | EQUIVALENT_MAIN_AREA | | Number | VALN_BUILDING_DET.BAREA is the area of a building in square metres, no decimal point. In residential properties this may be the equivalent area of the house plus an adjusted area for carports, garages, verandah etc |
Primary Table | YEAR_BUILT | | Number | VALN_BUILDING_DET.YRBUILT is the year (if known) the building was erected. When dealing with individual tenancy this can mean the year of refurbishment, or addition/alteration. The form of the date is CCYY. eg |
Primary Table | WALL_MATERIAL | | Character | VALUATION_WALL_DECODE.DESCRIPTION is a description of external wall material. The major construction material of the EXTERNAL Wall. This is based on a two digit code relating to Wall construction of each building on a property |
Primary Table | ROOF_MATERIAL | | Character | VALUATION_ROOF_DECODE.DESCRIPTION is a description of the major construction material of the Roof. This is based on a two digit code which indicates the Roof construction of each building on a property. |
Primary Table | BUILDING_CONDITION | | Character | VALUATION_BUILDING_DECODE.DESCRIPTION is the apparent condition of a building at the time of last inspection. |
Primary Table | BUILDING_STYLE | | Character | VALUATION_BUILDSTYL_DECODE.DESCRIPTION is used only for residential properties and is the style of the house |
Primary Table | NUMBER_OF_STORIES | | Number | VALN_BUILDING_DET.MLYSTYS indicates the number of stories in a building |
Primary Table | ENSUITE | | Number | VALN_BUILDING_DET.ENSUITE is the number of ensuites. This indicates the presence or otherwise of an ensuite in the building, and the number of such ensuites. It is used for all buildings with residential accommodation including hotels and motels. |
Primary Table | VALUATION_DATE | | Date | VALN_VALUES.DTEADVIN is the valuation values advised date numeric. The date the valuation values were advised to the file that relates to SAHT market rent. Held in date format YYYYMMDD |
Primary Table | PROPERTY_LOCATION | | Character | If a rural property address exists then property_location :=
DL20_RURAL_PROP.RURPROP is the location of the property (free format text description). And LOCATION_TYPE := 'R'
ELSE if a city property address exists then property_location :=
a concatenation of
DL22_STR_INDEX.HOUSENO is the house number. Contains the House number (where recorded) of the assessment. Occasionally, where no House Number is available, the Lot or Section number is advised to this field. eg LT 62. Alphabetic suffixes are also acceptable. eg. 62A. The LOTS Manual states that this field must not be left blank.
DL22_STR_INDEX.STRNAME is the street name. The street name (not including street type). Cannot include numeric or special characters other than hyphens. SPATIAL MODELS : --------------------------- NOTE : the above description was not entered by the author. For the spatial model this is the street name and can include any characters. For STREET NAME in the CURRENT SPATIAL MODEL this data item is a 32 character variable'
DL22_STR_INDEX.STRTYPE is the street type. The street type, mandatory abbreviations are listed as an appendix to the LOTS manual. The Street Type field is to be used, except in circumstances such as The Parkway, in which case The Parkway is the Street Name, and the Type is left blank. It is invalid to have a Street Type without a Street Name.
SUBURB_MASTER.SUBURBNA is the name of the suburb.
SUBURB_MASTER.SUBURBNO is the suburb number. The suburb number is a six digit numeric code of the actual suburb or area held on the Suburb Master table. It is generally made up of the applicable 4 digit postcode followed by 01, 02 03 etc depending on how many localities use that postcode.
DL22_STR_INDEX.LOTNUMB is the lot number. This may contain the Lot Number and/or Section Number of the Assessment
Primary Table | LOCATION_TYPE | | Character | If a rural property address exists then location_type := 'R'
ELSE if a city property address exists then location_type := 'M'
Primary Table | UNIT_NUMBER | | Character | DL22_STR_INDEX.UNITNO is the unit number. The Unit Number of a home unit (only recorded when advised as such). The LOTS Manual states that alphabetic characters are not acceptable in this field. If the field is utilised, it must be accompanied by a corresponding entry in the House Number field |
Primary Table | HOUSE_NUMBER | | Character | DL22_STR_INDEX.HOUSENO is the house number. Contains the House number (where recorded) of the assessment. Occasionally, where no House Number is available, the Lot or Section number is advised to this field. eg LT 62. Alphabetic suffixes are also acceptable. eg. 62A. The LOTS Manual states that this field must not be left blank |
Primary Table | STREET_NAME | | Character | DL22_STR_INDEX.STRNAME is the street name. The street name (not including street type). Cannot include numeric or special characters other than hyphens. SPATIAL MODELS : --------------------------- NOTE : the above description was not entered by the author. For the spatial model this is the street name and can include any characters. For STREET NAME in the CURRENT SPATIAL MODEL this data item is a 32 character variable |
Primary Table | STREET_TYPE | | Character | DL22_STR_INDEX.STRTYPE is the street type. The street type, mandatory abbreviations are listed as an appendix to the LOTS manual. The Street Type field is to be used, except in circumstances such as The Parkway, in which case The Parkway is the Street Name, and the Type is left blank. It is invalid to have a Street Type without a Street Name |
Primary Table | SUBURB_NAME | | Character | SUBURB_MASTER.SUBURBNA is the name of the suburb |
Primary Table | POSTCODE | | Number | SUBURB_MASTER.SUBURBNO is the suburb number. The suburb number is a six digit numeric code of the actual suburb or area held on the Suburb Master table. It is generally made up of the applicable 4 digit postcode followed by 01, 02 03 etc depending on how many localities use that postcode |
Primary Table | LOT_NUMBER | | Character | DL22_STR_INDEX.LOTNUMB is the lot number. This may contain the Lot Number and/or Section Number of the Assessment |
Primary Table | HUNDRED_NAME | | text | HUNDRED_MASTER.HUNDNO is the hundred number which is a unique number of a hundred. Additionally all islands out of hundreds and Out of Hundred 1:250,000 pastoral map sheets have been allocated a number. For land within hundreds this will be a four digit ascii number, of which the first two digits are the county number and the last two will be a hundred sequence number. The land out of hundreds is divided INTO 250000 map series and the four digit map sheet number is used as an identifier. Islands out of hundreds have a different numbering system again. eg 1502 is hundred of Bremer - where 15 is the county of Hindmarsh and 02 is the hundred number within the county |
Primary Table | SECTION_NUMBER | | Character | SECTION_NUMBER is a concatenation of:
PLAN_TO_HUNDRED.REFSECPT is the reference section parcel part indicator. This Indicates whether The Reference Section or parcel is a Full (F) or Part (P) section or parcel.
Which is DECODED INTO 'P', 'PT',
'F', NULL,
PLAN_TO_HUNDRED.REFSECPT is the reference section parcel part indicator. This Indicates whether The Reference Section or parcel is a Full (F) or Part (P) section or parcel.
'B', 'BLK',
'C', 'CLD RD',
'M', 'M/S',
'Q', 'ALLOT',
'S', 'SEC',
'T', 'TA',
PLAN_TO_HUNDRED.REFSECNO is the reference section number. The number assigned to a parcel on a plan
Primary Table | LGA_NAME | | Character | VALN_LGA_MASTER.COMMON_LGANAME is the common local government area name. In essence this is a "common" lga name so that all the parts of LGA`s can be consolidated under the one name (eg instead of Adelaide Hills 1 and Adelaide Hills 2 etc, they can all be combined under the "common" name of Adelaide Hills |
Primary Table | LGA_NUMBER | | Number | VALN_LGA_MASTER.LGAGROUP is the local government area group number. This is a two digit field which is the first two characters of the Local Government Area Number which identifies the group and are the same as the first two characters of the valuation number |