Topography - Coastline

Dataset Number970
Dataset TitleTopography - Coastline
CustodianData Authority: Department for Environment and Water
Data Provider: Department for Environment and Water


DescriptionData layer includes an interpretation of the mean high water mark for the coastal zone of South Australia. This layer is a historic representation of the Mean High Water mark. It has been captured from now historic Ortho rectified imagery using heads up digitising techniques.
UsageStandard layer of topographic dataset. This coastline representation should only be used for a generalized mapping where accurate representation is not required.

Data Quality

LineageThe coastline was re-interpreted and re-captured in 2005 from ortho-rectified aerial imagery of varying specifications. Reference was also made to advice from DEH Coast and Marine sources and in limited instances, field inspection.
CompletenessDataset is complete for South Australia
Positional AccuracyIn general, 90% of well defined features are within +/- 25metres of their true position. Ill defined features are subject to interpretation error and their accuracy is generally beyond this level. Horizontal accuracy is also recorded at the feature level.

Geographic Extent

Extent NameCoastal SA
Min Easting or Longitude129
Min Northing or Latitude-38
Max Easting or Longitude141
Max Northing or Latitude-31

Dataset Status

Initially Acquired01-JAN-1990
Last UpdatedCURRENT
Update FrequencyQuarterly
Maintenance MethodHeads up digitising from aerial imagery.


TableNameField AliasData TypeDescription
Topo.CoastlinePERSISTENTID Long IntegerUnique feature identifier
Topo.CoastlineFEATURECODE Long IntegerAS2482-based geographic feature code.
Topo.CoastlineGAZRECNO textState Gazetteer record number for the road name
Topo.CoastlineCAPTURESOURCE Long IntegerMetadata: Source mapping program
Topo.CoastlineCAPTUREMETHOD short integerMetadata: method of data capture ie digitized etc
Topo.CoastlineFEATURESOURCE short integerMetadata: information source used to identify feature
Topo.CoastlineFEATURERELDATE DateMetadata: Currency of the feature / reference source currency
Topo.CoastlineATTRIBUTERELDATE DateMetadata: Currency of the attribute data
Topo.CoastlineHORIZONTALACCURACY DoubleMetadata: Horizontal accuracy in metres
Topo.CoastlineNAME textName of coastline feature
Topo.CoastlineEDITDATE DateDate on which the spatial and/ or attribute object(s) of a feature were last edited

Contact Information

OrganisationDepartment for Environment and Water
Postal AddressGPO Box 1047

SA 5001