Dataset Number | 193 |
Dataset Title | MOSS - Metropolitan Open Space System (Study Area) |
Custodian | Data Authority: Department for Housing and Urban Development Data Provider: Department for Housing and Urban Development
Description | The Metropolitan Open Space System (MOSS) study area shows boundaries of pre-defined areas zoned or earmarked for Second Generation Parklands or open space and includes land already purchased and incorporated INTO the system. The MOSS boundary is a thematic depiction only. |
Usage | Mapping and the basis for analyses. |
Data Quality
Lineage | Quality: Based on DCDB - digitized from best available scale.
Source: Plans, Maps, Government gazette, Departmental records, Digitising maps, District councils.
Documentation: Metropolitan Development Plan. |
Completeness | Complete with continual updates. |
Positional Accuracy | Best available scale, 1:2,500 |
Geographic Extent
Extent Name | Adelaide (metro planning area) |
Min Easting or Longitude | 138.44 |
Min Northing or Latitude | -35.352 |
Max Easting or Longitude | 138.846 |
Max Northing or Latitude | -34.574 |
Dataset Status
Initially Acquired | 01-JAN-1992 |
Last Updated | 03-FEB-1998 |
Update Frequency | Not Planned |
Maintenance Method | currently none scheduled |
AusGOAL | CC BY (Attribution) |