Rest Areas - State Maintained

Dataset Number2105
Dataset TitleRest Areas - State Maintained
CustodianData Authority: Department for Infrastructure and Transport
Data Provider: Department for Infrastructure and Transport


DescriptionState Maintained Rest Areas is a data set captured by DPTI of the Safety and Service Division - Asset Management Directorate of the Rest Areas maintained by the State. Rest Areas are intended to cater for long distance travelers in all user groups, including drivers of heavy vehicles, regular passenger vehicles and camper vans. Where possible major rest areas will define separate areas for heavy and light vehicle users. Individual local Councils should be approached for those maintained by each council.
UsageResting purposes. Major Rest Areas are intended to cater for long distance travellers in all user groups, including drivers of heavy vehicles, regular passenger vehicles and camper vans. Where possible major rest areas will define separate areas for heavy and light vehicle users. It is expected that Major Rest Areas will be utilised as long stay rest opportunities for heavy vehicle drivers.

Data Quality

LineageLocation information captured by Asset Management Directorate field staff in 2017. Remote areas were captured from Road and Marine Asset road condition survey video and/or aerial photography
CompletenessData is reasonably complete. Considered over 90%.
Positional AccuracyMajority of sites are +/- 100 metres

Geographic Extent

Extent NameSouth Australia
Min Easting or Longitude129
Min Northing or Latitude-38.25
Max Easting or Longitude141
Max Northing or Latitude-26

Dataset Status

Initially Acquired2017
Last Updated2018
Update FrequencyAs required
Maintenance MethodAs Required
AusGOALCC BY (Attribution)


TableNameField AliasData TypeDescription
Rest AreasDPTIASSETID textUnique identifier allocated by DPTI
Rest AreasMTCEPROVIDERID textUnique identifier allocated by the maintenance provider
Rest AreasRESTAREATYPE textRest Area type code
Rest AreasRESTAREATYPE_DESC textRest Area type Description
Rest AreasRESTAREASURFACE textRest Area surface code
Rest AreasRESTAREASURFACE_DESC textRest Area surface description
Rest AreasRESTAREASIZE DoubleRest Area size in square metres
Rest AreasTRUCKPARKING textWhether truck parking is permitted code
Rest AreasTRUCKPARKING_DESC textWhether truck parking is permitted description (Yes/No)
Rest AreasCURRENTCONDITION textRest Area condition code
Rest AreasCURRENTCONDITION_DESC textRest Area condition description
Rest AreasCOMMENTS textComments relating to the Rest Area
Rest AreasASSETSTATUS textRest Area status code
Rest AreasASSETSTATUS_DESC textRest Area status description
Rest AreasBINS DoubleNumber of Bins on site
Rest AreasTABLES DoubleNumber of Tables on site
Rest AreasSEATS textIs seating available (Y/N)
Rest AreasSHELTERS DoubleNumber of Shelters on site
Rest AreasSHEDS textShed on site (Y/N)
Rest AreasTOILETBLOCKS DoubleNumber of Toilet Blocks on site
Rest AreasWATERTANKS DoubleNumber of Water Tanks on site
Rest AreasPHONES DoubleNumber of Phones on site

Contact Information

OrganisationDepartment for Infrastructure and Transport
Postal Address77 Grenfell Street