Table | Name | Field Alias | Data Type | Description |
Rest Areas | DPTIASSETID | | text | Unique identifier allocated by DPTI |
Rest Areas | MTCEPROVIDERID | | text | Unique identifier allocated by the maintenance provider |
Rest Areas | RESTAREATYPE | | text | Rest Area type code |
Rest Areas | RESTAREATYPE_DESC | | text | Rest Area type Description |
Rest Areas | RESTAREASURFACE | | text | Rest Area surface code |
Rest Areas | RESTAREASURFACE_DESC | | text | Rest Area surface description |
Rest Areas | RESTAREASIZE | | Double | Rest Area size in square metres |
Rest Areas | TRUCKPARKING | | text | Whether truck parking is permitted code |
Rest Areas | TRUCKPARKING_DESC | | text | Whether truck parking is permitted description (Yes/No) |
Rest Areas | CURRENTCONDITION | | text | Rest Area condition code |
Rest Areas | CURRENTCONDITION_DESC | | text | Rest Area condition description |
Rest Areas | COMMENTS | | text | Comments relating to the Rest Area |
Rest Areas | ASSETSTATUS | | text | Rest Area status code |
Rest Areas | ASSETSTATUS_DESC | | text | Rest Area status description |
Rest Areas | BINS | | Double | Number of Bins on site |
Rest Areas | TABLES | | Double | Number of Tables on site |
Rest Areas | SEATS | | text | Is seating available (Y/N) |
Rest Areas | SHELTERS | | Double | Number of Shelters on site |
Rest Areas | SHEDS | | text | Shed on site (Y/N) |
Rest Areas | TOILETBLOCKS | | Double | Number of Toilet Blocks on site |
Rest Areas | WATERTANKS | | Double | Number of Water Tanks on site |
Rest Areas | PHONES | | Double | Number of Phones on site |