Table | Name | Field Alias | Data Type | Description |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | FEATURECODE | | Long Integer | AS2482 based geographic feature code |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | HYDROID | | Long Integer | Feature identifier, unique across all geodatabases within an AHGF release |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | AHGFFEATURETYPE | | Long Integer | Feature type within the AHGF Data Model |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | NAME | | text | Name associated with individual feature. If obtained from SA Gazetteer GAZRECNO is also populated |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | PERENNIALITY | | text | PERENNIAL - inundated year round INTERMITTENT - inundated seasonally MAINLY DRY - periodic inundation, not seasonal |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | AHGFPERENNIALITY | | text | Code indicating the permanence of the associated water feature |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | NETWORKNODEID | | Long Integer | HydroID of node in AHGFNetworkNode that is closest to outlet of waterbody |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | MAPPEDNODEID | | Long Integer | HydroID of node in AHGFMapNode that is closest to outlet of waterbody |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | WATERSTOREUSE | | text | Primary use of water storage (eg. Flood Irrigation). Only for Reservoirs |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | SOURCEFEATURECLASSNAME | | text | Feature Class Name from the input data source |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | SOURCEFEATURETYPE | | short integer | Feature type from the input data source |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | SOURCEID | | Long Integer | Unique identifier for individual feature in the input data source |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | FEATURERELIABILITY | | Date | Reliability date of spatial object (Currency of reference source) |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | FEATURESOURCEAGENCY | | text | Name of agency that originally captured the spatial object |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | ATTRIBUTERELIABILTY | | Date | Reliability date of attribute object (Currency of reference source) |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | PLANIMETRICACCURACY | | short integer | Standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy in metres |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | SYMBOL | | short integer | Symbol number for feature used in Geoscience Australia¿s GEODATA product |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | ATTRIBUTESOURCEAGENCY | | text | Name of agency that originally captured the attribute object |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | TEXTNOTE | | text | Text note to accompany the feature |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | ALBERSAREA | | Double | Area (m2) calculated from Albers Equal Area Conic projection |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | CALCULATION | | text | Name of scientific equation used to calculate the Volume |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | SOURCEIMAGE | | short integer | Name of source imagery used to capture, change or verify a feature |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | GAZRECNO | | text | SA Gazetteer record number (link) for feature name |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | CAPTURESOURCE | | Long Integer | Metadata: Source mapping program |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | CAPTUREMETHOD | | short integer | Metadata: method of data capture (eg Trace ¿ Ortho Image) |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | FEATURESOURCE | | short integer | Metadata: information source used to identify feature |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | AUS_WETNR | | text | Unique identifier for labelling of all South Australian wetlands. Concatenation of Region and Wetland ID |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | WET_CODE | | text | WET_CODE |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | EDITDATE | | Date | Date on which the spatial and/ or attribute object(s) of a feature were last edited |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | VOLUME_ML | | Double | Volume of dam in megalitre range. Dam capacity is based on available information and although best effort and care has been taken in compiling this information, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. |
WaterBodies_AngasCatchmentDams | WALL_HEIGHT | | Double | Approximate height of dam wall in metres. Wall height is based on available information and although best effort and care has been taken in compiling this information, accuracy cannot be guaranteed |