River Murray Flood 2022

Dataset Number 2693
Dataset Title River Murray Flood 2022
Status Published
Metadata Maintained by DEW INFO


Category Natural Hazards
Theme Flood
Keywords and Qualifiers
Dataset Type Spatial
Description This coverage shows the extent of the land flooded during the 2022/2023 flood event for the River Murray.
Dataset Use The 2022 River Murray Flood Extent product has been derived from high resolution satellite SPOT 6/7 imagery captured during the River Murray flood event during peak flow. It provides a detailed spatial extent of where flood waters likely reached during the event. Several minor issues with the extent have been observed, mostly to do with delineating the extent of water in grassed/cropping areas, inundated vs saturated areas and densely built locations. These issues have been mostly corrected using manual editing methods and validated with the original SPOT image a1 1:5000 scale. Other minor artefacts seen in the product have been corrected where possible and will likely not detract from the overall quality of the dataset across most of the floodplain.

Timing of image capture in relation to the flood peak (which progressively moved down the River to the Lower Lakes from late December 2022 to early February 2023) was carefully considered during the image capture phase. Most areas have been captured at or near peak, which provides greater confidence in the extent. Where sections of the River and Lower Lakes have been captured off peak (Overland Corner (Lock 3) to Morgan, Mannum to Wellington and western Lake Alexandrina to the Barrages), the extent may be underrepresented. This needs to be considered when using the data for certain applications e.g. hydraulic/hydrological modelling and large scale applications.
SDE Feature Class Name TOPO.MurrayFlood2022
Projection/ Coordinate System LAMBERT


Data Authority

Data Authority Department for Environment and Water
Data Authority Name Matthew Ward
Director, Science and Information
Data Manager Matt Royal
Manager Geospatial Environmental Data & Info
Department for Environment and Water
8124 4880
Subject Matter Expert Gabrielle Eckert
Flood Management Officer (GIS)
Department for Environment and Water
(08) 8124 4771
Data Integrity Officer Rudi Luce
Coordinator Spatial Data Maintenance
Department for Environment and Water
(08) 8463 3876

Data Provider

Data Provider Department for Environment and Water

Data Quality

Lineage The 2022 River Murray flood extent was captured in 2023 by Geoimage Pty Ltd by deriving a vector extent from the application of a Normalised Difference Water Index (NDWI) from pan-sharpened 1.5m spatial resolution multispectral SPOT 6/7 imagery.

Satellite imagery was collected at locations of peak flow along the River Murray on:

- 26 December 2022

- 31 December 2022

- 6 January 2023

- 8 January 2023

- 12-14 January 2023

- 26-27 January 2023

Completeness This dataset is complete for the River Murray from the state border to the Murray Mouth and includes Lake Alexandrina and Lake Albert. The Coorong is complete only to Taratap.
Positional Accuracy The SPOT 6/7 imagery was orthorectified using ground control points from aerial imagery. Imagery and the derived inundation extent layer has an overall horizontal accuracy of +/-1.5m (CE90).

The inundation extent layer was manually edited by the Geospatial, Environmental Data & Information Unit at 1:5000 scale to improve the delineation accuracy by comparing it to the multispectral satellite imagery and correcting the extent where required. No ground validation has been undertaken.
Method / Capture Scale
MethodCapture ScaleComment
Satellite imagery1:5000Manual correction of satellite derived inundation extent


Table Name
Polygon Attribute Table

Field Description

TableNameField AliasData Type% Complete% AccuracyDescription
Polygon Attribute TableACQ_DATE Date  Acquisition date of satellite imagery used to derive flood extent.

Geographic Extent

Extent NameRiver Murray
Min Easting or Longitude138.5
Min Northing or Latitude-36.25
Max Easting or Longitude141
Max Northing or Latitude-33.75

Dataset Status

Initially Acquired 27-JAN-2023
Last Updated 04-APR-2023
Update Frequency Not Planned
Maintenance Method Not maintained
Metadata Created 31-MAR-2023
If copied, source dataset
Metadata updated 12/APR/24 env\bpellegrino
Authorised 05/APR/23 env\jcameron
Metadata Retired

Security Classification

ISMF Classification OFFICIAL
ISMF Integrity I2 - MODERATE Requirement
ISMF Availability A2 - MODERATE Requirement
AusGOAL Licensing Classification CC BY (Attribution)
Further considerations for supply of dataset No

Operator Notes

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