Bushfire Protection Areas

Dataset Number679
Dataset TitleBushfire Protection Areas
CustodianData Authority: Department for Housing and Urban Development
Data Provider: Department for Housing and Urban Development


DescriptionThe Bushfire Protection Areas shows the spatial extent of the Bushfire Protection provisions brought in under the Ministerial Bushfire Management PAR in 2006/2007. Bushfire Protection Areas exist in the South East Region of South Australia, Riverland, Kangaroo Island, Mt Lofty Ranges and Mid North, Yorke Peninsula and Eyre Peninsula. The level of bushfire risk is rated as High, Medium, General or Excluded and determines the Planning Approvals plus requirements under the Australian Building Code and Australian Standard AS 3959 for the construction of dwellings in the defined Bushfire risk areas. Some areas have criteria that, if met, will change the designated level of bushfire risk.
UsageFor the identification of the spatial extent of Bushfire Protection Areas in the Development Plan. The dataset is used for mapping in the Bushfire Development Assessment Web Mapping Application and in DPTI's Bushfire Risk Level Online Search Tool.

Data Quality

LineageBushfire hazard rating was calculated using McArthurs fire model. Inputs to this include fuel load, slope, aspect and weather (temperature and humidity). The bushfire protection areas were then derived from this bushfire hazard rating and were snapped to the digital cadastre. Boundaries & codes verified and checked by DPTI.
CompletenessComplete for all 39 local council areas that currently have Bushfire Protection Areas in their Development Plan.
Positional AccuracySame as DCDB

Geographic Extent

Extent NameIncorporated Areas - South Australia
Min Easting or Longitude133.077
Min Northing or Latitude-38.177
Max Easting or Longitude141
Max Northing or Latitude-28.841

Dataset Status

Initially Acquired30-JUN-2006
Last Updated29-AUG-2019
Update FrequencyNot Planned
Maintenance MethodIt is anticipated that the data will be updated every 5 years, using the latest information on vegetation fuel load etc.
AusGOALCC BY (Attribution)


TableNameField AliasData TypeDescription
BPA.BushfireProtectionAreasDEVPLAN_CODE CharacterDevelopment Plan in which polygon is located.
BPA.BushfireProtectionAreasDATE_CADASTRE DateDate of last cadastre to which boundaries were matched.
BPA.BushfireProtectionAreasDATE_UPDATED DateDate on which the last update was completed.
BPA.BushfireProtectionAreasBF_CODEBF_DescriptionCharacterBushfire Risk level assigned.
BPA.BushfireProtectionAreasCRITERIA CharacterAdditional Development Plan requirements that may change the Bushfire Risk level for an area.

Contact Information

OrganisationDepartment for Housing and Urban Development
Planning and Land Use Services
Postal Address83 Pirie Street
