Corrosion Environments (surf coast)

Dataset Number827
Dataset TitleCorrosion Environments (surf coast)
CustodianData Authority: Department for Housing and Urban Development
Data Provider: Department for Housing and Urban Development


DescriptionIdentifies the breaking surf coast along South Australia’'s mainland coastline and Kangaroo Island (excluding all other islands) for the purpose in determining Corrosion Environments. Corrosion Environments are areas located within 1 km of the coastline or 10 km of breaking surf that are subject to special corrosion protection requirements in accordance with the Building Code of Australia (BCA).
UsageTo assist the building industry as a basis for determining the degree of corrosion protection requirements for Class 1a and 10a buildings.

Data Quality

LineageDerived from coastline
Positional Accuracy10 metres

Geographic Extent

Extent NameSouth Australia
Min Easting or Longitude129
Min Northing or Latitude-38.25
Max Easting or Longitude141
Max Northing or Latitude-26

Dataset Status

Initially Acquired14-JUL-2009
Last Updated14-JUL-2009
Update FrequencyAs required
Maintenance MethodManual edits in ArcMap when required.
AusGOALCC BY (Attribution)


TableNameField AliasData TypeDescription
Arc Attribute TableSURF_COAST CharacterIdentifies the breaking surf coast

Contact Information

OrganisationDepartment for Housing and Urban Development
Planning and Land Use Services
Postal Address83 Pirie Street