Land Development Zones

Dataset Number9
Dataset TitleLand Development Zones
CustodianData Authority: Department for Housing and Urban Development
Data Provider: Department for Housing and Urban Development


DescriptionThe zoning dataset consists of Planning Zones, Policy Areas and Precincts that are derived from legal Planning boundaries. This information is obtained from the Development Plans. The data has been captured for the state, based on Development Plan Areas. The spatial coverage of each plan is captured within two weeks of a Plan Amendment being authorised. Includes Planning Zones, Policy Areas, Precincts and a general land use category, required for electronic Development Plans, forecasting etc.
UsageTo provide the spatial locations of the planning zones and policy areas, indicating the areas where various development controls apply. To be used in conjunction with Development Plan text for details of meanings of Zones, Policy Areas and Precincts. Used for production of A4 mapping for authorised Development Plans, the Internet and CD-Rom production, as well as numerous products.

Data Quality

LineageConstructed from original hand drawn black and white plans and snapped to current digital cadastre. Boundaries and codes verified and checked by relevant local councils. Once Development Plan Amendment reports are authorised, they are captured and replace the previous version of the Zoning
CompletenessComplete for all local councils in the state, except for some in the Flinders Ranges
Positional AccuracyAs for DCDB

Geographic Extent

Extent NameSouth Australia
Min Easting or Longitude129
Min Northing or Latitude-38.25
Max Easting or Longitude141
Max Northing or Latitude-26

Dataset Status

Initially Acquired01-NOV-1996
Last Updated26-FEB-2021
Update FrequencyNot Planned
Maintenance MethodSame as initial capture
AusGOALCC BY (Attribution)


TableNameField AliasData TypeDescription
LANDADMIN.ZoningDEVPLAN_CODE CharacterDevelopment Plan area code
LANDADMIN.ZoningZONE CharacterClassification for the Zone
LANDADMIN.ZoningZONE_MEANING CharacterDescription or meaning of the zone
LANDADMIN.ZoningPOLICY CharacterClassification of the Policy Area
LANDADMIN.ZoningPOLICY_MEANING CharacterDescription or meaning of the Policy Area
LANDADMIN.ZoningPRECINCT CharacterClassification of the Precinct
LANDADMIN.ZoningPRECINCT_MEANING CharacterDescription or meaning of the Precinct
LANDADMIN.ZoningDEV_CATEGORY CharacterGeneralised landuse classification based on the Zone
LANDADMIN.ZoningURBAN_CENTRE CharacterName of the town or centre to which a group of Zones or Policy Areas applies
LANDADMIN.ZoningSPECIAL_USE CharacterAny special provisions which may apply

Contact Information

OrganisationDepartment for Housing and Urban Development
Planning and Land Use Services
Postal Address83 Pirie Street