Dataset Number | 983 |
Dataset Title | Ramsar Wetland Areas |
Custodian | Data Authority: Department for Environment and Water Data Provider: Department for Environment and Water
Description | This dataset identifies the boundaries of the 6 areas listed in the Ramsar Convention for South Australia. All wetlands within these areas are of international importance are are protected by the Ramsar Convention. The listed areas for SA include: Bool Lagoon, Coongie Lakes, Coorong and Lakes Albert and Alexandrina, Riverland, the Banrock Station Wetland Complex and Piccaninnie Ponds Karst Wetlands. |
Usage | This dataset can be used to spatially identify the location of Ramsar sites and wetlands that occur within them. |
Data Quality
Lineage | Coongie lakes was digitised from an original A4 map and later improved coordinates provided for defining the boundary consistently. The Banrock Station Wetland Complex was created by HUD from digital orthophotos (1:20 000 aerial photos). The remaining areas unless stated explicitly here were created using cadastre, and drainage and wetland layers. The coordinates are not recorded under the Ramsar Convention. The Riverland site had an official boundary change on 11 September 2007 to align with River Murray floodplain extent. The Coorong and Lakes Alexandrina and Albert boundary is based on the description in the Ecological Character Description (ECD) 2006 identifying crown land and wetlands as the boundary for the ramsar listed area. The boundary is based on a combination of data sources and data accuracies. The boundary reflects the location of crown land including reserves from the cadastral data as mapped to July 2009. Each cadastre will have different accuracy. The location of unalloted crown land, crown land under licence, and DEH reserves was based on ownership data current to July 2009. Where the edge of the Ramsar area is defined by the edge of wetlands/waterbodies the boundary was based on DEH standard 1:50,000 topographic waterbodies, last updated using 2006 imagery. Finally direct digitising from the 2008 aerial photography was used when the other data sources were not representative of the ECD. Designated on the 21st of December 2012, the Piccaninnie Ponds Karst Wetlands boundary was based on the corresponding Piccaninnie Ponds Conservation Park boundary. This reserve boundary is a reflection of the underlying cadastre which may be considered current as of the 26 of November 2010 when two reserve additions were made expanding the park to it's current size. The Bool and Hacks Lagoons boundary was amended in October 2014 to address differences between the boundary in the nomination map and the description in the RIS. |
Completeness | Complete for South Australia |
Positional Accuracy | Accuracy of Ramsar Area determined from A4 hand drawn maps identifying Ramsar boundary containing defined wetlands within them. The Banrock Station Wetland Complex accuracy has been cited as +/- 10m for 95% of the complex. The Riverland site boundary matches accuracy of the 1956 flood extent mapping (1:10000) The Coorong and Lakes Alexandrina and Albert boundary accuracy is variable and reflects the source data: waterbodies +/-25m, cadastre +/-10m, aerial photography +/-1.5m. The Piccaninnie Ponds Karst Wetlands boundary matches accuracy of the underlying cadastre that the conservation park boundary is based on, at +/-25m. |
Geographic Extent
Extent Name | South Australia |
Min Easting or Longitude | 129 |
Min Northing or Latitude | -38.25 |
Max Easting or Longitude | 141 |
Max Northing or Latitude | -26 |
Dataset Status
Initially Acquired | 01-JUN-1996 |
Last Updated | 30-JAN-2013 |
Update Frequency | As required |
Maintenance Method | None |
AusGOAL | CC BY (Attribution) |