Other tools using Location SA
Helping citizens plan cycling journeys along roads, paths and bikeways that take into consideration their fitness and confidence levels, road conditions and speed of travel.
The gateway to data and information relating to the science and monitoring of South Australia's environment and natural resources. Enviro Data SA is complementary to a suite of environment related websites supporting a variety of audiences and needs.
Supporting South Australia's natural resource management and linking citizens to natural resource information in an interactive online mapping format.
A public-facing web application delivering land information of benefit to the broad community and to property based industries in particular (real estate, conveyancing, valuation, surveying and property management). Location SA provides street, topographic and image base maps for use in PLB and refreshes them on a regular basis using the latest authoritative government information.
An interactive online map system that displays approved heavy vehicle route networks in South Australia. Restrictions associated with specific route networks are also included. RAVnet will be continually developed to include further information about South Australia that is relevant to transport industries.
A portal to a wealth of geo-scientific information. This world-leading application is a key driver to mineral and petroleum exploration investment in SA.
Connecting communities and industry to the state's water information.