Table | Name | Field Alias | Data Type | Description |
Landscape.SALAD_Waterlogging | LANSLU | | Character | Soil Landscape Map Unit. |
Landscape.SALAD_Waterlogging | WATERLOG | | Character | DRAINAGE / DEGREE OF WATERLOGGING (Legend category. See layer file for descriptions). Map units are classified according to the most susceptible component of the landscape, provided that it accounts for at least 30% of the area. An additional class identifies land where limited areas are susceptible to waterlogging. |
Landscape.SALAD_Waterlogging | W1 | | Number | Percentage of map unit which is rapidly to well drained (soil never wet for more than several days). |
Landscape.SALAD_Waterlogging | W2 | | Number | Percentage of map unit which is moderately well drained (soil wet for up to one week). |
Landscape.SALAD_Waterlogging | W3 | | Number | Percentage of map unit which is imperfectly drained (soil wet for several weeks). |
Landscape.SALAD_Waterlogging | W4 | | Number | Percentage of map unit which is imperfectly drained (soil prone to saturation very early in the growing season). |
Landscape.SALAD_Waterlogging | W5 | | Number | Percentage of map unit which is poorly drained (soil wet for several months). |
Landscape.SALAD_Waterlogging | W7 | | Number | Percentage of map unit which is very poorly drained (soil wet for most of the year). |
Landscape.SALAD_Waterlogging | W8 | | Number | Percentage of map unit which is inundated (land permanently under water). |
Landscape.SALAD_Waterlogging | WX | | Number | Percentage of map unit which is not applicable. |