Mount Lofty Ranges Water Protection Area with Priority Areas

Dataset Number 1520
Dataset Title Mount Lofty Ranges Water Protection Area with Priority Areas
Status Published
Metadata Maintained by EPA


Category Water Resources Use
Theme Water Resources Use
Keywords and Qualifiers
Dataset Type Spatial
Description Defines three areas/zones within the Mount Lofty Ranges Water Protection Area based on water quality risk within the current Adelaide mains water supply system.
Dataset Use Can be used to define the priority areas for water quality risk management in the Adelaide Mount Lofty Ranges Water Protection Area.
SDE Feature Class Name Mount Lofty Ranges - Priority Areas
Projection/ Coordinate System LAMBERT


Data Authority

Data Authority Environment Protection Authority
Data Authority Name Kathryn Bellette
Executive Director Science Services, Climate Change and Programs
Data Manager Phil Hazell
Manager, Planning and Impact Assessment
Environment Protection Authority
Subject Matter Expert Ying He
GIS Modeller
Environment Protection Authority
Data Integrity Officer Amanda Chenoweth
GIS Analyst
Environment Protection Authority

Data Provider

Data Provider Environment Protection Authority

Data Quality

Lineage The boundary of the Mount Lofty Ranges Water Protection Area is the extent of the reservoir catchments sourced from contour and drainage spatial data as defined by the Department of Environment and Water. The definition of three priority zones was based on the 2006 report "Protecting drinking water quality INTO the future: Priority areas and landuse compatibility in Adelaide's Mt Lofty Ranges Watershed".
Completeness Considered compete
Positional Accuracy Features in close proximity to the boundary of each priority zones generally accurate to +/- 500 metres.
Method / Capture Scale
MethodCapture ScaleComment


Table Name
Mount Lofty Ranges - Priority Areas

Field Description

TableNameField AliasData Type% Complete% AccuracyDescription
Mount Lofty Ranges - Priority AreasPriorityID short integer100100Priority Area 1 includes all catchments that drain to primary water supply reservoirs and diversion weirs (eg. Myponga reservoir, Clarendon weir, Gorge weir, Millbrook reservoir catchments). This area represents 29.54% of the entire Mt Lofty Ranges Water Protection Area. Activities and new developments in this area have the highest risk of polluting raw mains water supplies because there are no substantial on-stream barriers to trap pollutants prior to intakes INTO water filtration plants. Priority Area 2 includes: land within 2km of secondary water supply reservoirs (eg. Mt Bold, Kangaroo Creek, South Para and Warren Reservoirs)SELECT 1 FROM DUAL; land within 100m of the River Torrens and Onkaparinga Rivers below Mt Pleasant and Hahndorf respectively (ie. below where River Murray water is pumped and allowed to gravitate INTO downstream reservoirs)SELECT 1 FROM DUAL; land subject to 1 in 100 year floodsSELECT 1 FROM DUAL; all land in the Aldgate, Cox and Lenswood subcatchments (ie. subcatchments that generate more than 200mm rainfall equivalent runoff per year). These areas represents 15.75% of the entire Mt Lofty Ranges Water Protection Area. Activities and new development in these areas have a moderate risk of polluting raw mains water supplies even though they are located above major secondary reservoirs that can trap a substantial proportion of pollutants in most flow conditions. Priority Area 3 incorporates all remaining parts of the Mt Lofty Ranges Water Protection Area and represent 54.70% of the entire Mt Lofty Ranges Water Protection Area. Activities and new developments in these areas have the lowest risk of polluting raw mains water supplies, but still present risks that need to be carefully considered and managed.

Geographic Extent

Extent NameSouth Australia
Min Easting or Longitude129
Min Northing or Latitude-38.25
Max Easting or Longitude141
Max Northing or Latitude-26

Dataset Status

Initially Acquired 1/07/2006
Last Updated 4/10/2018
Update Frequency As required
Maintenance Method The data will be updated as required.
Metadata Created 22-JUL-2015
If copied, source dataset
Metadata updated 22/FEB/19 env\achenoweth
Authorised 20/AUG/15 env\achenoweth
Metadata Retired

Security Classification

ISMF Classification OFFICIAL
ISMF Integrity I2 - MODERATE Requirement
ISMF Availability A1 - LOW Requirement
AusGOAL Licensing Classification Not yet determined
Further considerations for supply of dataset No

Operator Notes

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