Dataset Number |
2670 |
Dataset Title |
Adelaide Plains WAP T1 Aquifer Potentiometric Surface Contours |
Status |
Published |
Metadata Maintained by |
Category |
Hydrology |
Theme |
Ground water |
Keywords and Qualifiers |
Dataset Type |
Spatial |
Description |
Contours representing the potentiometric surface of the groundwater pressure level in the T1 aquifer of the Adelaide Plains sub-basin in February 2022. |
Dataset Use |
Delineation of potentiometric surface contours for assessment criteria for the Adelaide Plains Water Allocation Plan |
SDE Feature Class Name |
WATER.T1_PotSurf_Contours |
Projection/ Coordinate System |
Data Authority
Data Authority |
Department for Environment and Water |
Data Authority Name |
Chris Wright |
Manager Water Science |
Data Manager |
Xenios Markou |
Spatial Database Administrator |
Department for Infrastructure and Transport |
| |
08 8463 3983 |
Subject Matter Expert |
Enys Watt |
Hydrogeologist |
Department for Environment and Water |
| |
0884636963 |
Data Integrity Officer |
Ben Plush |
Senior GIS Analyst |
Department for Environment and Water |
| |
(08) 8463 6954 |
Data Provider
Data Provider |
Department for Environment and Water |
Geographic Extent
Extent Name | South Australia |
Min Easting or Longitude | 129 |
Min Northing or Latitude | -38.25 |
Max Easting or Longitude | 141 |
Max Northing or Latitude | -26 |
Dataset Status
Initially Acquired |
February 2022 |
Last Updated |
Update Frequency |
As required |
Maintenance Method |
Updated as required |
Metadata Created |
27-SEP-2022 |
If copied, source dataset |
Metadata updated |
26/OCT/22 env\croberts |
Authorised |
26/OCT/22 env\croberts |
Metadata Retired |
Security Classification
ISMF Classification |
Public |
ISMF Integrity |
I2 - MODERATE Requirement |
ISMF Availability |
A2 - MODERATE Requirement |
AusGOAL Licensing Classification |
CC BY (Attribution) |
Attribution |
Further considerations for supply of dataset |
No |