Traffic Signals

Dataset Number821
Dataset TitleTraffic Signals
CustodianData Authority: Department for Infrastructure and Transport
Data Provider: Department for Infrastructure and Transport


DescriptionThe Traffic Signals dataset is reconciled against the Electrical Asset Register of Intelligent Transport Systems (RITS) and spatially located at intersections for Traffic Control Sites, Traffic Control located at Fire or Ambulance Stations and Red Light Safety Cameras including Point to Point average speed cameras as described within the attributes.
UsageCross the road safely

Data Quality

LineageReconciled against Register of Intelligent Traffic Systems
Completeness95% complete
Positional AccuracySites +/- 100 metres

Geographic Extent

Extent NameSouth Australia
Min Easting or Longitude129
Min Northing or Latitude-38.25
Max Easting or Longitude141
Max Northing or Latitude-26

Dataset Status

Initially AcquiredNOT KNOWN
Last UpdatedNOT KNOWN
Update FrequencyAs required
Maintenance MethodManual process to reconciled against Register of Intelligent Traffic Systems
AusGOALCC BY (Attribution)


TableNameField AliasData TypeDescription
Point Attribute TableSITE_TYPE CharacterSignal Type. TS - Traffic Signal, Traffic Control Site. ES - Emergency Signal, Traffic Control located at Fire or Ambulance Stations. RS - Red Light Safety Cameras. PP - Point to Point Average Speed Cameras.
Point Attribute TableROAD_NO NumberNot populated
Point Attribute TableTS_DESC CharacterTraffic Signal location description
Point Attribute TableRESP CharacterMaintenance responsibility of the site. SAG - South Australian Government (DPTI). LGA - Local Government Association.
Point Attribute TableTS_NO NumberTraffic Signal Number as allocated by RITS, this is also the reference number located on the control box used to report faults.
Point Attribute TableRRD_UL CharacterNot populated
Point Attribute TableRRD_R CharacterNot populated

Contact Information

OrganisationDepartment for Infrastructure and Transport
Postal Address77 Grenfell Street