Traffic Volumes

Dataset Number822
Dataset TitleTraffic Volumes
CustodianData Authority: Department for Infrastructure and Transport
Data Provider: Department for Infrastructure and Transport


DescriptionTraffic Volumes is the sum of traffic travelling in both directions on a two way road passing a roadside observation point over the period of a full year divided by the number of days in the year.
UsageUsed to determine road traffic usage for the states road network for analysis.

Data Quality

LineageSee RITS for details
CompletenessOngoing development of data
Positional AccuracyAccuracy of observation point and traffic detail is over 95%

Geographic Extent

Extent NameSouth Australia
Min Easting or Longitude129
Min Northing or Latitude-38.25
Max Easting or Longitude141
Max Northing or Latitude-26

Dataset Status

Initially AcquiredUnknown
Last Updated
Update FrequencyWeekly
Maintenance MethodDerived from CRRS Road Linear Referencing System Oracle Tables maintained in the Traffic Volume System
AusGOALCC BY (Attribution)


TableNameField AliasData TypeDescription
Attribute TableROAD_NO textUnique identifier as defined by DPTI, for roads which DPTI are responsible for maintaining or may have in the past, as well roads which may be of interest to DPTI.
Attribute TableSIDE textCarriageway/Side for the designated section of road All CRRS roads have a defined direction and the side is defined with reference to the increasing road running distance, not driving direction of the road.
Attribute TableTESECN_START_RRD DoubleDriven length (road running distance) in kilometres from the start of the road to the start of the section for the AADT All roads have a designated start, end and direction in CRRS.
Attribute TableTESCN_END_RRD DoubleDriven length (road running distance) in kilometres from the start of the road to the end of the section for the AADT.
Attribute TableTESECN_ID DoubleInternal unique identifier
Attribute TableTESECN_VOLUME Long IntegerTraffic volume as defined above (AADT)
Attribute TableTESECN_BASE_YEAR textThe year in which the traffic volume was counted
Attribute TableTESECN_PROJECTED textThe year traffic volume (AADT) was last updated
Attribute TableCV_PERCENT Long IntegerThe percentage of AADT for Commercial Vehicles
Attribute TableNUMBER_CVS Long IntegerNumber of Commercial Vehicles
Attribute TableCLASS3TO5 Long IntegerThe number of vehicles of this configuration
Attribute TableCLASS6TO9 Long IntegerThe number of vehicles of this configuration
Attribute TableCLASS10 Long IntegerThe number of vehicles of this configuration
Attribute TableCLASS11 Long IntegerThe number of vehicles of this configuration
Attribute TableTRAFFIC_SCORE DoubleDerived figure based on AADT and Commercial Vehicles

Contact Information

OrganisationDepartment for Infrastructure and Transport
Postal Address77 Grenfell Street