Table | Name | Field Alias | Data Type | Description |
TOPO.WaterBodies | FEATURECODE | | Long Integer | AS2482 based geographic feature code |
TOPO.WaterBodies | HYDROID | | Long Integer | Feature identifier, unique across all geodatabases within an AHGF release |
TOPO.WaterBodies | AHGFFEATURETYPE | | Long Integer | Feature type within the AHGF Data Model |
TOPO.WaterBodies | NAME | | text | Name associated with individual feature. If obtained from SA Gazetteer GAZRECNO is also populated |
TOPO.WaterBodies | PERENNIALITY | | text | PERENNIAL - inundated year round INTERMITTENT - inundated seasonally MAINLY DRY - periodic inundation, not seasonal |
TOPO.WaterBodies | AHGFPERENNIALITY | | text | Code indicating the permanence of the associated water feature |
TOPO.WaterBodies | NETWORKNODEID | | Long Integer | HydroID of node in AHGFNetworkNode that is closest to outlet of waterbody |
TOPO.WaterBodies | MAPPEDNODEID | | Long Integer | HydroID of node in AHGFMapNode that is closest to outlet of waterbody |
TOPO.WaterBodies | WATERSTOREUSE | | text | Primary use of water storage (eg. Flood Irrigation). Only for Reservoirs |
TOPO.WaterBodies | SOURCEFEATURECLASSNAME | | text | Feature Class Name from the input data source |
TOPO.WaterBodies | SOURCEFEATURETYPE | | short integer | Feature type from the input data source |
TOPO.WaterBodies | SOURCEID | | Long Integer | Unique identifier for individual feature in the input data source |
TOPO.WaterBodies | FEATURERELIABILITY | | Date | Reliability date of spatial object (Currency of reference source) |
TOPO.WaterBodies | FEATURESOURCEAGENCY | | text | Name of agency that originally captured the spatial object |
TOPO.WaterBodies | ATTRIBUTERELIABILTY | | Date | Reliability date of attribute object (Currency of reference source) |
TOPO.WaterBodies | PLANIMETRICACCURACY | | short integer | Standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy in metres |
TOPO.WaterBodies | SYMBOL | | short integer | Symbol number for feature used in Geoscience Australia¿s GEODATA product |
TOPO.WaterBodies | ATTRIBUTESOURCEAGENCY | | text | Name of agency that originally captured the attribute object |
TOPO.WaterBodies | TEXTNOTE | | text | Text note to accompany the feature |
TOPO.WaterBodies | ALBERSAREA | | Double | Area (m2) calculated from Albers Equal Area Conic projection |
TOPO.WaterBodies | VOLUME | | Double | Volume in mega litres calculated using formula referred to in Calculation field |
TOPO.WaterBodies | CALCULATION | | text | Name of scientific equation used to calculate the Volume |
TOPO.WaterBodies | SOURCEIMAGE | | short integer | Name of source imagery used to capture, change or verify a feature |
TOPO.WaterBodies | GAZRECNO | | text | SA Gazetteer record number (link) for feature name |
TOPO.WaterBodies | CAPTURESOURCE | | Long Integer | Metadata: Source mapping program |
TOPO.WaterBodies | CAPTUREMETHOD | | short integer | Metadata: method of data capture (eg Trace ¿ Ortho Image) |
TOPO.WaterBodies | FEATURESOURCE | | short integer | Metadata: information source used to identify feature |
TOPO.WaterBodies | AUS_WETNR | | text | Unique identifier for labelling of all South Australian wetlands. Concatenation of Region and Wetland ID |
TOPO.WaterBodies | WET_CODE | | text | WET_CODE |
TOPO.WaterBodies | EDITDATE | | Date | Date on which the spatial and/ or attribute object(s) of a feature were last edited |