
Dataset Number1038
Dataset TitleShipwrecks
CustodianData Authority: Department for Environment and Water
Data Provider: Department for Environment and Water


DescriptionThis data set is an extract from the South Australian Shipwrecks Database. The database includes all known shipwrecks located in South Australian and Australian waters adjacent to South Australia. It incorporates the Register of Historic Shipwrecks and the Register of Historic Relics as required under the (Commonwealth) Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976 and the (South Australian) Historic Shipwrecks Act 1981. The database also includes shipwrecks that have not been delclared under either of these Acts. Filtering may take place to restrict the location of sensitive shipwrecks.
UsageUsed for plotting locations of Shipwrecks.

Data Quality

LineageShipwreck information in the database has been obtained from a wide source of printed material, newspapers, government records, maps, charts, oral histories and site visits. The spatial data set is generated from locational information extracted from the Oracle data base on a weekly basis.
CompletenessDataset is complete.
Positional AccuracyInformation on the position of shipwrecks has been obtained from a variety of sources e.g. 1:50,000 maps, charts, GPS and dGPS readings. Accuracy can range from +/- 5m for differential GPS to +/- 50km.

Geographic Extent

Extent NameCoastal SA
Min Easting or Longitude129
Min Northing or Latitude-38
Max Easting or Longitude141
Max Northing or Latitude-31

Dataset Status

Initially Acquired01-JAN-1990
Last UpdatedCURRENT
Update FrequencyWeekly
Maintenance MethodData set generated from coordinates extracted from oracle database
AusGOALCC BY (Attribution)


TableNameField AliasData TypeDescription
TOPO.ShipwrecksWRECKNR Long IntegerUnique database number for each wreck
TOPO.ShipwrecksWRECKNAME textName of the shipwreck
TOPO.ShipwrecksSHIPTYPEDESC textShip type
TOPO.ShipwrecksRIGDESC textDescription of the rigging
TOPO.ShipwrecksHULLDESC textDescription of the ship hull
TOPO.ShipwrecksTONNAGEA DoubleVessel tonnage
TOPO.ShipwrecksTONNAGEADESC textMeasurement type
TOPO.ShipwrecksLENGTH DoubleVessel length
TOPO.ShipwrecksBUILDDATE textDate the ship was built
TOPO.ShipwrecksPORTBUILT textName of the Port in which the ship was originally built
TOPO.ShipwrecksCOUNTRY textCountry of construction
TOPO.ShipwrecksLOSSDATE textDate of the ship loss
TOPO.ShipwrecksLOSSLOCATION textLocation at which vessel was originally wrecked.
TOPO.ShipwrecksLOSSCAUSE textCause of vessel loss.
TOPO.ShipwrecksISFOUND textHas wreck been found
TOPO.ShipwrecksISINSPECTED textHas wreck been inspected
TOPO.ShipwrecksISPROTECTED textIs wreck protected
TOPO.ShipwrecksJURISDICTION textJurisdiction wreck falls in (State, Fedral)
TOPO.ShipwrecksREGION textHeritage SA administrative region
TOPO.ShipwrecksPUBLIC_ACCESS_LEVEL textLevel of public access
TOPO.ShipwrecksLATITUDE DoubleLatitude of wreck
TOPO.ShipwrecksLONGITUDE DoubleLongitude of wreck

Contact Information

OrganisationDepartment for Environment and Water
Conservation and Land Management
Postal AddressGPO Box 1047